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Gov spend $55bil to tackle a health crisis..and thus create a Financial Crisis


It seems that the priority is economic survival first, then polictics survival, last People survival.. now all 3 haywire..

If they had put people health first..lockdown maskon, we would have flatten the curve .

Economy implodes to zero , but for 1 or 2 months..you clean out the stupid risk takers who over leverage..and start over with 55 billions...not support unsustainable biz

When the above is ok, your politics will sort itself

NOW, THE BiGGEST FINaNCIAL Crisis is coming....so how, dip Reserves again..hahhaha


Alfrescian (Inf)
It seems that the priority is economic survival first, then polictics survival, last People survival.. now all 3 haywire..

Regimes that do not put their people first do not deserve to survive. And their economy and politics will suffer.

At the end of the day, if you peel away at the layers, it's all about your value system. If your value system is warped, for example viewing humans as nothing more than economic digits, telling 'white' lies is essential for 'political stability', sooner or later everything comes crashing down.


The Biggest Financial Holocaust ever in the history of the world is coming soon, because govt refuse to let the market delever, and force feed stimulus to revive a bloated and dying economy.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Half fucked policies by a half fucked government.
Always counting money and taking risks with citizens lives.
They need to dole out money to save their own GLCs and the cronies and minions businesses. Majority of the so called Budget goodies all going to kaki lang. It’s a massive bailout nothing less


The next Big one will start with corporates failing, the consumer delevered since 2009, but corporate borrowed huge amts thru bond issues..