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GOP Turns on Donald Trump! LOL! Liz Cheney Says She will Vote to Impeach Trump!


Mich., Ariz. GOP censures several lawmakers over support for impeachment, failure to keep states red
Bitcoin Just Crossed $50,000. Here's How to Generate a Salary with It
FILE – In this Jan. 20, 2021, file photo, former Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake arrives for the inauguration of Joe Biden at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. Arizona Republicans voted Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021 to censure Cindy McCain and two prominent GOP officials who have found themselves crosswise with President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:24 AM PT – Monday, January 25, 2021
Several Republican lawmakers are getting criticized by their state’s party leadership. This comes as the Republican parties of Arizona and Allegan County in Michigan voted to censure several elected officials.

The censure votes, which formally express discontent for party members, comes amid backlash over both states turning blue in the general election. Additionally, party members are being called out for supporting Democrat efforts to impeach President Trump for a second time.

“The Republican Party here is not just here to elect Republicans, it’s here to hold Republicans accountable to the party platform,” stated Tyler Bower, national committeeman for the Arizona GOP. “Party discipline means adherence to the party platform, party discipline means pulling someone aside behind closed doors and saying ‘you’re not living by the party platform.’ How do we fix this?”

On Saturday, the Arizona GOP publicly rebuked Gov. Doug Ducey (R), former Sen. Jeff Flake (R) and the late Sen. John McCain’s wife Cindy McCain.

The censures accused Ducey of executive overreach for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and failure to overturn the election results in favor of President Trump. Meanwhile, Flake and McCain are coming under immense fire for their support for Joe Biden and divergence from President Trump.

“And if all of us cannot have the resolve here to look into our legislative district committees, our county committees and have the most disciplined two years of our lifetimes, we may lose Arizona forever,” Bower continued.

Earlier this week, the Allegan County Republican Party approved a resolution to censure longtime Republican congressman Fred Upton. The committee decried Upton for allegedly ignoring the voices of constituents and party members when voting for impeachment.

Fiel- Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) is pictured. (AP Photo / Carlos Osorio)

“The final straw for me was obviously what happened last week: the President’s remarks that his actions, in his words, were totally appropriate as he called these folks patriots as they were tearing down the capitol,” stated the Michigan representative.

Although censure votes don’t carry any formal consequences, they do show the party’s waning confidence in lawmakers’ ability to lead the party. This could lead to primary challengers who strictly adhere to party principles gaining more support than censured incumbent.


Mich., Ariz. GOP censures several lawmakers over support for impeachment, failure to keep states red
Bitcoin Just Crossed $50,000. Here's How to Generate a Salary with It
FILE – In this Jan. 20, 2021, file photo, former Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake arrives for the inauguration of Joe Biden at the U.S. Capitol in Washington. Arizona Republicans voted Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021 to censure Cindy McCain and two prominent GOP officials who have found themselves crosswise with President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:24 AM PT – Monday, January 25, 2021
Several Republican lawmakers are getting criticized by their state’s party leadership. This comes as the Republican parties of Arizona and Allegan County in Michigan voted to censure several elected officials.

The censure votes, which formally express discontent for party members, comes amid backlash over both states turning blue in the general election. Additionally, party members are being called out for supporting Democrat efforts to impeach President Trump for a second time.

“The Republican Party here is not just here to elect Republicans, it’s here to hold Republicans accountable to the party platform,” stated Tyler Bower, national committeeman for the Arizona GOP. “Party discipline means adherence to the party platform, party discipline means pulling someone aside behind closed doors and saying ‘you’re not living by the party platform.’ How do we fix this?”

On Saturday, the Arizona GOP publicly rebuked Gov. Doug Ducey (R), former Sen. Jeff Flake (R) and the late Sen. John McCain’s wife Cindy McCain.

The censures accused Ducey of executive overreach for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and failure to overturn the election results in favor of President Trump. Meanwhile, Flake and McCain are coming under immense fire for their support for Joe Biden and divergence from President Trump.

“And if all of us cannot have the resolve here to look into our legislative district committees, our county committees and have the most disciplined two years of our lifetimes, we may lose Arizona forever,” Bower continued.

Earlier this week, the Allegan County Republican Party approved a resolution to censure longtime Republican congressman Fred Upton. The committee decried Upton for allegedly ignoring the voices of constituents and party members when voting for impeachment.

Fiel- Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) is pictured. (AP Photo / Carlos Osorio)

“The final straw for me was obviously what happened last week: the President’s remarks that his actions, in his words, were totally appropriate as he called these folks patriots as they were tearing down the capitol,” stated the Michigan representative.

Although censure votes don’t carry any formal consequences, they do show the party’s waning confidence in lawmakers’ ability to lead the party. This could lead to primary challengers who strictly adhere to party principles gaining more support than censured incumbent.

dirty communist tiong try to spread propaganda. sinkee too smart


This is good news..the average rank n file members if the repubicans are revolting against the swamp ....tat will bode well for them



Ten Republicans voted to impeach Donald Trump. The backlash has been swift
The Republicans who voted for impeachment face a growing backlash, in a sign that the battle over Mr Trump will play a defining role in shaping the direction of the party in coming years.

Liz Cheney was one of 10 Republican House Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump.
Liz Cheney was one of 10 Republican House Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump. Source: Getty Images

It’s been less than two weeks since Representatives Peter Meijer, Tom Rice and Liz Cheney broke with nearly all of their Republican colleagues in the House and voted to impeach President Donald Trump, but in their home states, the backlash is already growing.

In Michigan, a challenger to Mr Meijer received a boost when Steve Bannon promoted him on his podcast.

In South Carolina, a local Republican is getting so many calls urging him to run against Mr Rice that he can’t keep his phone charged.

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And in Wyoming, a state senator called Ms Cheney, the No. 3 Republican in the House, “out of touch” with her home state as he announced his primary campaign against her.

The ten House Republicans who voted for impeachment are already facing a fleet of primary challengers, censures and other rebukes from their hometown Republican Party organisations, an indication that the battle over Mr Trump will play a defining role in shaping the direction of the party during the next two years.

“Trump might be gone, but Trumpism is virtually guaranteed to be a part of the 2022 elections,” said Ken Spain, a former senior official at the National Republican Congressional Committee. “The tectonic plates have shifted within the GOP, and now members are trying to figure out how to straddle the fault lines.”

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The impeachment votes are not only being framed as a loyalty test to Mr Trump, they are also being used to tie the incumbents to Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who for more than a decade has been the central bogeywoman in Republican congressional campaigns, with mixed results.

While some senior Republican officials in Washington, like Senator Mitch McConnell, now the minority leader, have begun trying to create some distance between the party and Mr Trump, there is little indication that would-be Republican primary voters are interested in a political divorce.

Nearly all of the House Republicans who voted to impeach Mr Trump have either already been formally censured by local branches of the GOP, face upcoming censure votes or have been publicly scolded by local party leaders. Efforts across the country to punish these politicians offer vivid illustrations of the divisions cleaving a party that has been shut out of power.

In this 2019 file photo, US Representative Tom Rice talks with students in Florence, South Carolina. Source: AAP
There are already multiple Republicans in South Carolina angling to challenge Mr Rice, a conservative from a Trump-friendly district whose vote to impeach shocked his colleagues and drew a rebuke from the chair of the South Carolina Republican Party.

“I am 100 per cent sure that Tom Rice is going to be primaried,” said Ken Richardson, school board chair in South Carolina's Horry County, who is leaning toward running against Mr Rice himself. He said he has had to charge his phone three times a day to keep up with the nonstop calls and texts urging him to enter the race.

“I don’t know what he was thinking. I’m sure he’s got his reasons for why he voted the way he voted,” Mr Richardson added. “If there’s ever been a Trump country, we live in Trump country.”

Another potential challenger to Mr Rice, former Mayor Mark McBride of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, said he believed Mr Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 election (he is not), and has collected several hundred signatures on a petition calling for Mr Rice’s resignation.

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“The president didn’t instigate it,” Mr McBride said of the riot at the Capitol on 6 January. “The idea of the impeachment trial going to the Senate, Tom Rice created a foundation for it to continue on.”

Tom Norton, a Michigan businessman and Army veteran who lost a 2020 primary to Mr Meijer, said the congressman called him to give him a heads-up the day he voted to impeach Mr Trump. Mr Norton immediately filed paperwork to mount another campaign against Mr Meijer in 2022.

Mr Norton said he believed Mr Meijer made a mistake in blaming Mr Trump for inciting the riot.

“We have a lot of people with a lot of passion, and we can’t control everybody,” he said, before going on to exaggerate the pockets of unrest that took place alongside last year’s largely peaceful protests for racial justice. “Blaming President Trump is the same thing as blaming Kamala Harris and Joe Biden for all the riots that antifa did last summer.”

Peter Meijer (R) joins then-US Vice President Mike Pence at a campaign event in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in October 2020. Source: AFP
Representative John Katko of Central New York, who was the first GOP lawmaker to back impeachment, is one of the few remaining Republicans who represents a Democratic-leaning district. Some Republicans in his district were outraged by his vote.

“‘Not very happy’ would be the politest way to say it,” said Fred Beardsley, chair of the Oswego County Republican Committee. “We’re very upset. I’m tremendously upset.”

“I think Mr Katko crossed a line,” he continued. “He double-crossed us.”

For Mr Katko and Representatives Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, David Valadao of California, and Fred Upton and Mr Meijer of Michigan, all Republicans who voted for impeachment and hail from states likely to lose seats in this year’s redistricting process, the shapes of the districts they may seek to represent in 2022 have yet to be determined.

Representative John Katko attends the inauguration before Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th president of the United States on 20 January. Source: Getty Images
Democratic state legislators in New York and Illinois could draw Mr Katko and Mr Kinzinger into districts represented by fellow incumbent Republicans, potentially cutting off a path for a Trumpian insurgent, while commissions will determine district lines in California, Michigan and Ohio.

Gene Koprowski, a conservative filmmaker who filed to run against Mr Kinzinger, said he did so to start raising money but he is waiting for the Illinois Legislature to redraw its congressional district maps before formally beginning a campaign.

Challengers to Ms Cheney, who represents the single at-large Wyoming district, don’t face the same calculation. Anthony Bouchard, a state senator, announced his campaign Wednesday as President Joe Biden was being inaugurated. By Thursday night, he was a guest on Newsmax TV and Laura Ingraham’s program on Fox News.

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“Liz Cheney’s longtime opposition to President Trump and her most recent vote for impeachment shows just how out-of-touch she is with Wyoming,” Mr Bouchard said in his announcement. “Wyoming taxpayers need a voice in Congress who will stand up to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, and not give them cover.”

Many of the ten Republicans who voted for impeachment have survived challenging races before. In California, Mr Valadao won his 2016 race by 13 percentage points while Hillary Clinton carried his district by 16 points. He lost to a Democrat by less than 1,000 votes in 2018 before winning the seat back in November, even though Mr Biden won the district by points.

Indeed, a number of those Republicans have strong personal brands at home, which may complicate the efforts of potential primary challengers. Mr Gonzalez, for example, was a star on the Ohio State University football team. And at least some party leaders, shaken by the violence at the Capitol, say the politicians who voted to impeach should be granted leeway.

“If he was here with us now I’d probably shake his hand and congratulate him for his conviction,” Jim Dicke, Republican national committeeman for Ohio, said of Mr Gonzalez. “There’s a lot to criticise in the process, but if you’re an elected official and you’re asked to vote, you can either say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or abstain. You’re not allowed to say, ‘Wait, I don’t like the process.’”

Nancy Pelosi displays a signed article of impeachment against then-President Donald Trump at the US Capitol on January 13, 2021. Source: Getty Images
In New York, Mr Katko has twice survived being the target of Democrats trying to oust him from a Democratic-leaning district.

“We can’t be doing our own form of ‘cancel culture,’ whether it’s Liz Cheney or Katko,” said former Representative Peter King, a moderate Republican who represented a Long Island district for 28 years before retiring last year.

Mr King floated the idea that Mr Katko run for governor. “It would be so foolish to go after John Katko,” he said. “He’s one of the best we have. And if we can’t accept difference of opinion, then we’re no different than the other guys.”

In fact, Republicans have long battled one another over perceived purity tests, and in recent years the most powerful litmus test in the eyes of primary voters has centred on fealty to Mr Trump.

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“President Trump enjoys a high approval rating within the Republican Party, and his supporters are loyal,” said Joel Mattila, Republican chair in Clark County, Washington. His committee has already issued a warning to Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler, a Republican who voted to impeach.

“She’s going to face a primary challenge, based on what I’m hearing,” he said. “It seems like, as people are stewing on it and as time is passing, the intensity level is definitely increasing.”

Mr Spain, the former House Republican campaign official, said it would fall to the corporate donors that typically support Republicans to provide financial support to the ten who voted to impeach Mr Trump. Michael McAdams, the NRCC’s communications director, said that the committee does not engage in primaries. That applies to incumbents in contested races, too.

“I would hope,” Mr Spain said, “that members of the business community who are standing on principle and refusing to support Republicans who voted against certifying the election results would focus their energy and resources toward helping those members who did stand up on behalf of the American democratic process.”

Published 24 January 2021 at 6:57pm, updated 1 day ago at 7:01pm
By Reid J. Epstein, KATIE GLUECK
Source: © 2021 The New York Times

go back to china tiong


Liz Cheney’s GOP Civil War Is Here, And She’s Losing

JANUARY 29, 2021 By The Federalist Staff
On this episode of “The Federalist Radio Hour,” Federalist Western Correspondent Tristan Justice joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss his dispatch from Rep. Matt Gaetz’s anti-Liz Cheney rally and what it means for the future of the GOP.
“He really branded Liz Cheney as emblematic of the old way of doing things and what the Republican Party had gotten away from under Donald Trump, and what the Republican Party needs to stay away from if they’re going to be successful in the future, and the crowd loved it,” Justice said. “Every single person I spoke to in the crowd, they complained about Liz Cheney, not necessarily because of her impeachment vote. A lot of them said that impeachment was just the last straw, they were already upset with Cheney. … They really just attacked her for being a symbol of the past.”

Cheney’s battle, Justice said, is not an isolated one and signals the coming of more GOP splits after years of growing distrust in D.C. elites and politicians.
“Liz Cheney is in trouble in her own state. Trumpism has gripped the party, and I don’t think there’s a lot of space for the Republican Party to go back to the old way of doing things,” Justice concluded.



Liz Cheney’s GOP Civil War Is Here, And She’s Losing

JANUARY 29, 2021 By The Federalist Staff
On this episode of “The Federalist Radio Hour,” Federalist Western Correspondent Tristan Justice joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss his dispatch from Rep. Matt Gaetz’s anti-Liz Cheney rally and what it means for the future of the GOP.
“He really branded Liz Cheney as emblematic of the old way of doing things and what the Republican Party had gotten away from under Donald Trump, and what the Republican Party needs to stay away from if they’re going to be successful in the future, and the crowd loved it,” Justice said. “Every single person I spoke to in the crowd, they complained about Liz Cheney, not necessarily because of her impeachment vote. A lot of them said that impeachment was just the last straw, they were already upset with Cheney. … They really just attacked her for being a symbol of the past.”

Cheney’s battle, Justice said, is not an isolated one and signals the coming of more GOP splits after years of growing distrust in D.C. elites and politicians.
“Liz Cheney is in trouble in her own state. Trumpism has gripped the party, and I don’t think there’s a lot of space for the Republican Party to go back to the old way of doing things,” Justice concluded.


WOW. You really cant get over it huh? America is the most powerful nation in the modern era of mankind. Jealousy of America wont change it and unless you have been there to witness its glory like I have, you wont understand her awesomeness.

Now the PRC, on the other hand, I have been there and its all shit.



WOW. You really cant get over it huh? America is the most powerful nation in the modern era of mankind. Jealousy of America wont change it and unless you have been there to witness its glory like I have, you wont understand her awesomeness.

Now the PRC, on the other hand, I have been there and its all shit.

View attachment 102979

heh heh heh amerika lagi good, tiong bad. all confirm fuck up


This is good news indeed....the swamp repubicans are leaving.

Members of George W Bush's administration leave Republican Party, calling it 'Trump cult'
Posted 2h
President Donald Trump listens to someone speak
Former party members who served under George W Bush want Republicans to denounce Mr Trump.(AP: Evan Vucci)
Dozens of Republicans in former President George W Bush's administration are leaving the party, dismayed by a failure of many elected Republicans to disown Donald Trump after a deadly storming of the US Capitol last month.
Key points:
  • Some Republicans have ended their party membership, others are letting it lapse or are newly registered as independents
  • Roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have reportedly left
  • Republican officials have recently indicated they are "having a spat" within the party at present
These officials, some who served in the highest echelons of the Bush administration, said they had hoped that a Trump defeat would encourage party leaders to move on from the former president and denounce his baseless claims that the November presidential election was stolen.
But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Mr Trump, these officials say they no longer recognise the party they once served.
Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.
Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House's communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it.
"The number is growing every day," Mr Purcell said.
The party is currently caught between disaffected moderate Republicans and independents bothered by the hold Mr Trump still has over elected officials, and Trump's fervently loyal base.
Without the enthusiastic support of both groups, the party will struggle to win national elections, according to polling, Republican officials and strategists.
The Republican National Committee referred Reuters to a recent interview its chair Ronna McDaniel gave to the Fox Business channel.
"We're having a little bit of a spat right now. But we are going to come together. We have to," Ms McDaniel said, predicting the party will unite against the agenda of President Joe Biden, a Democrat.
Representatives for Mr Trump did not respond to a request for comment.
A representative of former president George W Bush did not respond to a request for comment.
During the Trump presidency, Mr Bush made clear he had "retired from politics".
'It's appalling'
More than half of the Republicans in Congress — eight senators and 139 House representatives — voted to block certification of the election just hours after the Capitol siege.
Most Republican Senators have also indicated they would not support the impeachment of Mr Trump, making it unlikely that the former president won't be convicted in his Senate impeachment trial.
Mr Trump was impeached on January 13 by the Democratic-led House of Representatives on charges of "incitement of insurrection".
He is the only president to be impeached twice.
The unwillingness by party leaders to disavow Mr Trump was the final straw for some former Republican officials.
"If it continues to be the party of Trump, many of us are not going back," Rosario Marin, a former Treasurer of the US under Mr Bush, said.
Two former Bush officials who spoke to Reuters said they believe it is important to stay in the party to rid it of Mr Trump's influence.
One of those, Suzy DeFrancis — a veteran of the Republican Party who served in administrations including those of former presidents Richard Nixon and George W Bush — said she voted for Mr Biden in November.
But she believed breaking the party apart now would only benefit the Democrats.
"I totally understand why people are frustrated and want to leave the party. I've had that feeling for 4 years," Ms DeFrancis said.
But she said it was critical the party unite around Republican principles such as limited government, personal responsibility, free enterprise and a strong national defence.


This is good news indeed....the swamp repubicans are leaving.

Members of George W Bush's administration leave Republican Party, calling it 'Trump cult'
Posted 2h
President Donald Trump listens to someone speak
Former party members who served under George W Bush want Republicans to denounce Mr Trump.(AP: Evan Vucci)
Dozens of Republicans in former President George W Bush's administration are leaving the party, dismayed by a failure of many elected Republicans to disown Donald Trump after a deadly storming of the US Capitol last month.
Key points:
  • Some Republicans have ended their party membership, others are letting it lapse or are newly registered as independents
  • Roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have reportedly left
  • Republican officials have recently indicated they are "having a spat" within the party at present
These officials, some who served in the highest echelons of the Bush administration, said they had hoped that a Trump defeat would encourage party leaders to move on from the former president and denounce his baseless claims that the November presidential election was stolen.
But with most Republican lawmakers sticking to Mr Trump, these officials say they no longer recognise the party they once served.
Some have ended their membership, others are letting it lapse while a few are newly registered as independents, according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke with Reuters.
Kristopher Purcell, who worked in the Bush White House's communications office for six years, said roughly 60 to 70 former Bush officials have decided to leave the party or are cutting ties with it.
"The number is growing every day," Mr Purcell said.
The party is currently caught between disaffected moderate Republicans and independents bothered by the hold Mr Trump still has over elected officials, and Trump's fervently loyal base.
Without the enthusiastic support of both groups, the party will struggle to win national elections, according to polling, Republican officials and strategists.
The Republican National Committee referred Reuters to a recent interview its chair Ronna McDaniel gave to the Fox Business channel.
"We're having a little bit of a spat right now. But we are going to come together. We have to," Ms McDaniel said, predicting the party will unite against the agenda of President Joe Biden, a Democrat.
Representatives for Mr Trump did not respond to a request for comment.
A representative of former president George W Bush did not respond to a request for comment.
During the Trump presidency, Mr Bush made clear he had "retired from politics".
'It's appalling'
More than half of the Republicans in Congress — eight senators and 139 House representatives — voted to block certification of the election just hours after the Capitol siege.
Most Republican Senators have also indicated they would not support the impeachment of Mr Trump, making it unlikely that the former president won't be convicted in his Senate impeachment trial.
Mr Trump was impeached on January 13 by the Democratic-led House of Representatives on charges of "incitement of insurrection".
He is the only president to be impeached twice.
The unwillingness by party leaders to disavow Mr Trump was the final straw for some former Republican officials.
"If it continues to be the party of Trump, many of us are not going back," Rosario Marin, a former Treasurer of the US under Mr Bush, said.
Two former Bush officials who spoke to Reuters said they believe it is important to stay in the party to rid it of Mr Trump's influence.
One of those, Suzy DeFrancis — a veteran of the Republican Party who served in administrations including those of former presidents Richard Nixon and George W Bush — said she voted for Mr Biden in November.
But she believed breaking the party apart now would only benefit the Democrats.
"I totally understand why people are frustrated and want to leave the party. I've had that feeling for 4 years," Ms DeFrancis said.
But she said it was critical the party unite around Republican principles such as limited government, personal responsibility, free enterprise and a strong national defence.

u can ask the tiongs why.


McConnell Steps Into House GOP Conflict by Backing Liz Cheney
McConnell Steps Into House GOP Conflict by Backing Liz Cheney

Monday, 01 February 2021 10:04 PM

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Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell took the rare step of weighing in on an internal conflict among House Republicans, praising Rep. Liz Cheney for her “deep convictions” and “courage” as she faces attacks from former President Donald Trump’s allies.
Cheney, the third-ranking House GOP leader, has come under fire for her vote to impeach the former president as well as her sharp criticism of his words and actions.
“Liz Cheney is a leader with deep convictions and the courage to act on them,” McConnell said in a statement. “She is an important leader in our party and in our nation. I am grateful for her service and look forward to continuing to work with her on the crucial issues facing our nation.”
McConnell’s backing of Cheney is clear sign of the struggle within the Republican Party over how much influence Trump will continue to exert even after he lost the White House to Democrat Joe Biden and the GOP lost control of the Senate. Trump’s has been accused of stoking the mob that stormed the Capitol last month; for this he was impeached by the U.S. House for an unprecedented second time, something that's divided Republicans in a way that few of the political battles of the last four years did.
It comes before a meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, of House Republicans convened by their leader, Kevin McCarthy. Several lawmakers and aides said Cheney’s role as Republican conference chair is sure to come up.
Some members, including Ohio's Jim Jordan and Arizona's Andy Biggs, have called for Cheney to be stripped of her leadership post. Last week, Matt Gaetz of Florida, who has closely aligned himself with Trump, went to Cheney’s home state of Wyoming for a rally denouncing her. Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., called in to the event, in Cheyenne, by telephone.

But it’s not clear that enough Republicans would vote to oust Cheney.
McCarthy has said that while he still supports her, she has to answer to the conference. Any vote to remove her would be private, and no one on either side of the dispute would know who did what.
‘Never Been a Greater Betrayal’
Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, was the highest-ranking Republican to call for Trump’s removal from office, saying there has “never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.”
Cheney voted against Trump’s impeachment in late 2019 but has had other public breaks with the now-former president and his House Republican supporters before last month’s impeachment vote. Those included disagreements on foreign policy, how Trump handled the coronavirus pandemic and her backing of a primary challenger to Republican Rep. Tom Massie of Kentucky.
Cheney’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on McConnell’s remarks.
Some of the nine other House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump also have come under pressure from within the party and from GOP officials in their home states. They, as well as Cheney, could face primary challenges.

© Copyright 2021 Bloomberg News. All rights reserved.


McConnell Steps Into House GOP Conflict by Backing Liz Cheney
McConnell Steps Into House GOP Conflict by Backing Liz Cheney

Monday, 01 February 2021 10:04 PM

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Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell took the rare step of weighing in on an internal conflict among House Republicans, praising Rep. Liz Cheney for her “deep convictions” and “courage” as she faces attacks from former President Donald Trump’s allies.
Cheney, the third-ranking House GOP leader, has come under fire for her vote to impeach the former president as well as her sharp criticism of his words and actions.
“Liz Cheney is a leader with deep convictions and the courage to act on them,” McConnell said in a statement. “She is an important leader in our party and in our nation. I am grateful for her service and look forward to continuing to work with her on the crucial issues facing our nation.”
McConnell’s backing of Cheney is clear sign of the struggle within the Republican Party over how much influence Trump will continue to exert even after he lost the White House to Democrat Joe Biden and the GOP lost control of the Senate. Trump’s has been accused of stoking the mob that stormed the Capitol last month; for this he was impeached by the U.S. House for an unprecedented second time, something that's divided Republicans in a way that few of the political battles of the last four years did.
It comes before a meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, of House Republicans convened by their leader, Kevin McCarthy. Several lawmakers and aides said Cheney’s role as Republican conference chair is sure to come up.
Some members, including Ohio's Jim Jordan and Arizona's Andy Biggs, have called for Cheney to be stripped of her leadership post. Last week, Matt Gaetz of Florida, who has closely aligned himself with Trump, went to Cheney’s home state of Wyoming for a rally denouncing her. Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., called in to the event, in Cheyenne, by telephone.

But it’s not clear that enough Republicans would vote to oust Cheney.
McCarthy has said that while he still supports her, she has to answer to the conference. Any vote to remove her would be private, and no one on either side of the dispute would know who did what.
‘Never Been a Greater Betrayal’
Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, was the highest-ranking Republican to call for Trump’s removal from office, saying there has “never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.”
Cheney voted against Trump’s impeachment in late 2019 but has had other public breaks with the now-former president and his House Republican supporters before last month’s impeachment vote. Those included disagreements on foreign policy, how Trump handled the coronavirus pandemic and her backing of a primary challenger to Republican Rep. Tom Massie of Kentucky.
Cheney’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on McConnell’s remarks.
Some of the nine other House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump also have come under pressure from within the party and from GOP officials in their home states. They, as well as Cheney, could face primary challenges.

© Copyright 2021 Bloomberg News. All rights reserved.

Liz Cheney used to be our daughter. We loved her for her massive power and standing in our army but she has taken a dangerous turn towards the truth and decency. We at QANON cannot stand idly by while one of our leaders has sunk so low. She will be sacrificed at our altar. We shall drink her blood.