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Good news ! Google chopping 12,000 useless workers worldwide. How many CECA shitskins here will fuck back to rapist-land ?

Singapore Dancing Spirit


Alphabet, parent holding company of Google, has announced that its cutting around 6% of its global workforce. In an open letter published by Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai, the narrative followed a similar trajectory to that of other companies that have downsized in recent months, noting that the company had “hired for a different economic reality” than what it’s up against today. Put simply, it had bolstered its workforce during the pandemic-driven digital boom times, but it’s now having to reverse course as the world curtails its spending in the face of economic headwinds.

“We’ve undertaken a rigorous review across product areas and functions to ensure that our people and roles are aligned with our highest priorities as a company,” Pichai wrote, adding that the layoffs will impact units across Alphabet, not just Google, and that all regions and product areas will be affected.


Big Tech’s big layoffs​

The news means that four out of the five so-called “big tech” firms have now announced significant redundancies in the past few months, with Apple the only one of the big-five U.S. tech giants not to announce layoffs as of yet. Indeed, earlier this week, Microsoft announced 10,000 job cuts, affecting nearly 5% of its workforce, which followed Amazon’s move to cut 18,000 jobs, or 1.2% of its global headcount. Facebook’s parent Meta, meanwhile, revealed 11,000 layoffs back in November, hitting 13% of its workforce. Other tech giants to announce significant layoffs in recent times include enterprise software giant Salesforce, which confirmed that it was cutting 10% of its workforce at the turn of the year, impacting more than 7,000 employees.

It’s worth noting that Alphabet hasn’t been impervious to downsizing before now. Its robot software offshoot Intrinsic announced it was laying off 40 workers last week, equating to 20% of its headcount, while its life sciences subsidiary Verily scaled back by 15%, representing around 240 people.

But today’s announcement will see roughly 12,000 roles worldwide at the company disappear. In terms of severance, what Alphabet is offering U.S. employees seems decent at first glance. The company said that packages will “start at” 16 weeks’ salary, plus an additional two weeks for every year worked, while they will be paid in full for the entire notification period, which is a minimum of 60 days. Moreover, it committed to paying all outstanding 2022 bonuse s and unused vacation time, with six months’ healthcare and additional support services available. Outside the U.S., Pichai simply said that the company would “support employees in line with local practices.” Despite the layoffs, Pichai was keen to put a positive spin on events, saying that good things can emerge from difficult times.

“As an almost 25-year-old company, we’re bound to go through difficult economic cycles,” he wrote. “These are important moments to sharpen our focus, reengineer our cost base, and direct our talent and capital to our highest priorities.”


10K here, 18K there, 20K elsewhere — the dominos are beginning to fall. It's an economy rife with government overspending and lack of fiscal discipline, a labor force that has no motivation to work, and it all eventually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Gay brothers started an algorithm called backrub in a garage HQ and it became Google. Later it held hands with Rothschild and co to sell the data for his ONE world database unethically\y with VRVA CEA and staff. It would have been better if they were not born into this world.

When musk undertook the CEA role, he found CECA is utter waste and liabilities to his Twitter business, he started firing CECA CEO and other staff boldly and I still expect a massive tech layoff at the big companies. The $1.9 trillion stimulus in 2021 that Yellen approved of will go down as really silly considering all the inflation signals were off the charts, yet I barely hear a whimper of any actual reporting on that because it was Biden policy. Journalism used to speak truth to power but sadly they are just paid stooges blowing the master's bell. Anyway, Google Founders and CEO and all CECA lost their credulity to live as they have cheated and looted the wealth worldwide. Yoi wil see them teleported tp Singapore in NUDE and testify what they did and why and how they did before the company is fall. Even the name Google will not be found anywhere in the future,

These bunch of morons and bastards with no fear of God or me