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Serious Good Minister Shan Promotes A Book On The Opium War! I'm Buying It Already!


In order to full imprint these good material into your brain, u must burn the book into ashes and mixed it with water and drink it


Slight difference. Niggers do it in yankee land for loot and free cash, not nationalism.
The ChiCons do it to divert attention n make themselves look good but now the ChiCons are facing more problems domestically.. guess this old opium argument is getting stale


Alfrescian (Inf)
The Ridout issue has been thoroughly debated in Parliament.
If Xi JinPing is Sinkeland PM, the two Nehs won't stand a chance of being exonerated. Unlike Pinky, nobody (including the chief of arm or any senior officials) is indispensible in the eyes of China Xi President.