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Good Hokkien philanthropist Gan Eng Seng so kind to be main donor of Tong chai medical and yet use Cantonese name for the charity.


Chow hai is your mother's unwashed cb. Fuck her
See everyone? This ccb Malaysian Cantonese dog has been insulting me and my mother chow hai. So unkind so lack of compassion, no wonder so few Cantonese philanthropists since time immemorial and so hard up for naming rights even as minor donors.


See everyone? This ccb Malaysian Cantonese dog has been insulting me and my mother chow hai. So unkind so lack of compassion, no wonder so few Cantonese philanthropists since time immemorial and so hard up for naming rights even as minor donors.

See you and your mother's Chow hai. 2 piece of overfucked cheebyes. Kan nin bu. Chao cheebye!


@ginfreely pump hydrogen gas into your big 0 rectum will cause perforations and injuries to your intestines and stomachs causing death and if pump through big 0 cb mouth will also result the same as it connects back to stomach the intestines and to rectum that will cause death KNN so will pump it through your 3rd circle 0 the big cunt using your womb as the balloon since it has no connections to any critical parts of the organs to let you fly KNN
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Fist your chow hai with this and hook up your chaocheebye to hang like a pig, whip your fucking cheebye.



@ginfreely pump hydrogen gas into your big 0 rectum will cause perforations and injuries to your intestines and stomachs causing death and if pump through big 0 cb mouth will also result the same as it connects back to stomach the intestines and to rectum that will cause death KNN so will pump it through your 3rd circle 0 the big cunt using your womb as the balloon since it has no connections to any critical parts of the organs to let you fly KNN
KNN just to be safer either remove the pelvis lymp nodes first or there is a way to seal it perhaps KNN


@ginfreely pump hydrogen gas into your big 0 rectum will cause perforations and injuries to your intestines and stomachs causing death and if pump through big 0 cb mouth will also result the same as it connects back to stomach the intestines and to rectum that will cause death KNN so will pump it through your 3rd circle 0 the big cunt using your womb as the balloon since it has no connections to any critical parts of the organs to let you fly KNN

Pump into her cheebye, into her fucking cheebye. @ginfreely fuck you dead. You fucking cunt. Fck your mother


@nayr69sg can we pump enough helium into @ginfreely big cb hole to make her float like balloon if the pelvic lymph nodes be surgically removed first within causing harm to her ? KNN
Another confirmed and chop sia suay Lang Cantonese proving the truth of good Hokkiens may treat chinese traitor dogs Cantonese sons of whores well but will get evil shit in return from these evil ingrates.


Another confirmed and chop sia suay Lang Cantonese proving the truth of good Hokkiens may treat chinese traitor dogs Cantonese sons of whores well but will get evil shit in return from these evil ingrates.
Proven since early in my life to now. Need not do a bad thing to Cantonese for them to steal from you and sabotaged you and even if offered them jobs will also return kindness with evil shit like what my Cantonese sinkie ex accountant did.


Good Hokkien philanthropist Gan Eng Seng was being so kind and have so much compassion indeed to do charity not to gain naming rights. Not like those Cantonese merchants minor donors LOL
I am in the same league as Gan Eng Seng indeed do charity not to gain naming rights until one ccb sinkie hypocrite got the cheek to accuse I no do charity and so no deserved help from him when meet foreigner criminals. What a lame excuse when I did so much charity until i got letter commending my extraordinary effort in fund raising just that I never talked about in forum for years hahaha.


I am in the same league as Gan Eng Seng indeed do charity not to gain naming rights until one ccb sinkie hypocrite got the cheek to accuse I no do charity and so no deserved help from him when meet foreigner criminals. What a lame excuse when I did so much charity until i got letter commending my extraordinary effort in fund raising just that I never talked about in forum for years hahaha.
And another ccb sinkie thief slanderer harasser got the cheek to say I should go do charity since I am free and retired now. Hey good Hokkiens like me and Gan Eng Seng don’t just do charity when free or retired ok but whenever willing and possible and despite tight working schedule. That’s the difference between small brain small hearted people lacking in kindness and compassion and good glorious mighty Hokkiens indeed.


New Member
Google translate

In the second half of the 19th century, Singapore’s Chinese education became more and more scale. Yan Yongcheng, a businessman who sponsored Anglo-Chinese Free School in 1886, said at the opening ceremony: "I am very happy to know that students can also gain Chinese knowledge here. For me, Chinese is an important part of Chinese children. One. After the students grow up, the English language will be better than those who only start from utilitarian thoughts and only accept English education in order to live in the Straits Settlements, but discard the language that belongs to their country. citizen.

Google did a quite good translation - for the first half :smile:

The 2nd half of the English translation went quite off. A more literal (or faithful) version would be:

CHINESE: 对我来说,华文是华人子弟重要的一环。学童长大成人后,兼通华英文,将比那些只从功利思想出发,为了在海峡殖民地生活而只接受英文教育,却丢弃了原来属于他们国家的语文的人会是较好的公民。
ENGLISH: For me, learning Chinese language is an important factor to all the Chinese descendants. After these students grow up, those who are good in both English & Chinese will perform as better citizens than those who take English education only and abandon their native languages & cultures based on their utilitarian thoughts about "easier living" in the Straits Settlements.

Working in a language agency (Ace Chinese Translation) the team can feel the power (or threat) from the AI Translators from time to time - as I had with the first half of the Google Translation work. Yet, in other times, we can also see that large rooms are still left for human linguists - as we did with the 2nd half.
