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Serious Good Catholic Minister Edwin Tong Meets With Holy Pope In Vatican City! Majulah PAP!


instead of reading other so call hole-lee buy-ber or kor-run we all should study the Vedas , which consists of 4 holy books.
  • The Rig Veda
  • The Samaveda
  • Yajurveda
  • Atharvaveda
The top scripture for Hindus is the Rig Vega. The rest are minor books. So only study the Rig Vega thoroughly and you will find some guidance, eg, it says God is only One!
It definitely doesn't say 3-in-1 instant coffee.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Religions were created by politicians, for the foolish to benefit the cunning. Look at the amount of political power the Pope yields. Without religion there will be no Vatican City. Even up till this day, the cunning ones are still using a spin to religion to give themselves power and wealth. Look at Konghee, LiHongzhi, Dalailama… and the legions of Ulamaks.
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
we were misled about the data privacy of TT before the confession by Sham. the parallels are clear as day.

The issue about TT data privacy has been clarified in Parliament. PAP politicians do not double down on their mistakes in Parliament after they get called out. PAP is unlike the wankers.


The issue about TT data privacy has been clarified in Parliament. PAP politicians do not double down on their mistakes in Parliament after they get called out. PAP is unlike the wankers.
let's see, minister A says TT is private. then Minister B says yes definitely private.

finally after doubling down, minister C confesses that TT data is not private.

twist and turn John. squirm more.