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Serious Good Catholic Minister Edwin Tong Meets With Holy Pope In Vatican City! Majulah PAP!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

I was honoured to have been granted a 'Baciamano' (a brief Audience) with His Holiness Pope Francis this morning at the Vatican City. Pope Francis was warm, humble, and personable. He had a kind word or gesture for everyone, and made it a point to warmly welcome everyone in the Singapore delegation.

Pope Francis and I chatted briefly about social cohesion, multi religiosity and harmony, issues in which we have a deep mutual interest. His Holiness' teachings on universal love, reconciliation, peace and solidarity, are profoundly explored in his third Encyclical, Fratelli Tutti.
Fratelli Tutti aims to promote a universal aspiration toward fraternity and social friendship, concluding that the time has come to “dream, then, as a single human family”.

These teachings resonate strongly with a multicultural and religiously diverse Singapore. His unwavering outreach and a strong heart for the last, the lost and the least in each community are valuable learning points for our own society. These teachings transcend the Catholic faith, and indeed, any one single faith alone; they have a true universal, timeless relevance.

Our Singapore delegation, including Non Resident Ambassador Janet Ang, also attended the General Papal Audience, the first of the new year. We will continue our meetings at the Vatican as we work on fostering closer ties with the Holy See.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Pope Bergoglio is a Jesuit scum who should be hanged.

Hope Edwin the PAP doggie isn't involved in their crimes. :cool:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The pope hasn't seen the videos!
Edwin Tong can go let dog fuck! I will flog his mother's useless cheebye.

Most of the sinkies agree that the good Catholic Edwin did a fantastic job grilling the oppies for lying repeatedly in Parliament. The wankers are so fucked!


Meeting the Pope is the furthest he can go. Cos he will never get to meet Jesus in person unless he truly repent.


Most of the sinkies agree that the good Catholic Edwin did a fantastic job grilling the oppies for lying repeatedly in Parliament. The wankers are so fucked!

ET performance is a disgrace to all SCs. good luck to his billings after this fiasco.

So when are we going grill Vivian, Lawrence and Sham on trace together token and app?


Why gahmen never send our Minister-in-Charge of Muslim Affairs Masagos Zulkifli...and then after this visit and blessing from the Pope can change the title to Minister-in-Charge of ALL Religious Affairs ??????


Alfrescian (Inf)
Appealing to the Pope for forgiveness? What a COPout. He should just take his punishment
like a man without begging for divine interference.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
ET performance is a disgrace to all SCs. good luck to his billings after this fiasco.

So when are we going grill Vivian, Lawrence and Sham on trace together token and app?

What's there to grill? They've not lied in Parliament nor deceived the voters.