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Serious Good Brahmin Iswaran Reduced To Being Chaffeured By P-Plate Driver! Oppies Happy Now?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

SINGAPORE – Transport Minister S. Iswaran was seen entering the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau’s (CPIB) headquarters on Tuesday morning – the first time he has been seen by the media since he was arrested on July 11.

Mr Iswaran, who is being investigated by the anti-graft body, arrived at the CPIB complex in Jalan Bukit Merah at about 10.50am in a grey Mazda 6.

He was seen entering unaccompanied, and was dressed in a blue shirt and dark trousers.


syed putra

Where are his lawyers? The Chinese guy was allowed to leave Scott free and he is not even born on the island. This is Chinese justice.


Where are his lawyers? The Chinese guy was allowed to leave Scott free and he is not even born on the island. This is Chinese justice.
Looks like he is being framed. To me as long as no money goes to him or his parties, or there is no inappropriate ejaculation, there is no corruption


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Looks like he is being framed. To me as long as no money goes to him or his parties, or there is no inappropriate ejaculation, there is no corruption

That's not how corruption is defined legally in Singapore. SCDF chief Peter Lim went to jail for obtaining sex in order to grant business contracts to a particular vendor.

The former SCDF chief was in end-May found guilty of corruption in the sex-for-contracts trial against him, which centred around one count of oral sex he obtained from 49-year-old Pang in May 2010. She was at the time general manager of Nimrod Engineering.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Where are his lawyers? The Chinese guy was allowed to leave Scott free and he is not even born on the island. This is Chinese justice.

That jiuhukia didn't leave scot free. Bail was posted. And he's back in Singapore already.


View attachment 186245

SINGAPORE – Transport Minister S. Iswaran was seen entering the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau’s (CPIB) headquarters on Tuesday morning – the first time he has been seen by the media since he was arrested on July 11.

Mr Iswaran, who is being investigated by the anti-graft body, arrived at the CPIB complex in Jalan Bukit Merah at about 10.50am in a grey Mazda 6.

He was seen entering unaccompanied, and was dressed in a blue shirt and dark trousers.

No you son of Bitch.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Being chauffeured is still a luxury. You don't expect a minister to drive himself to an investigation do you?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Being chauffeured is still a luxury. You don't expect a minister to drive himself to an investigation do you?

Not when your driver is a mere P-plate driver. Since this scandal broke, no decent driver is willing to chauffeur a corrupted minister. No wonder Teh committed suicide.


That's not how corruption is defined legally in Singapore. SCDF chief Peter Lim went to jail for obtaining sex in order to grant business contracts to a particular vendor.

The former SCDF chief was in end-May found guilty of corruption in the sex-for-contracts trial against him, which centred around one count of oral sex he obtained from 49-year-old Pang in May 2010. She was at the time general manager of Nimrod Engineering.
You really suck at comprehension huh.

No wonder when Jesus says the Father is the only True God, you understand it to mean Jesus is God.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You really suck at comprehension huh.

No wonder when Jesus says the Father is the only True God, you understand it to mean Jesus is God.

When you take a pedophile bandit as a prophet, you really aren't fit to judge anyone about their comprehension.