This company has actually helped this chap. Look at my post before this. Most companies would do the politically correct thing and give a polite answer and would have marked him for lack of initiative.
I am quite certain that any company will not offer such a person the job. To ask for a change in venue is inconsiderate on the part of the applicant as she has no idea of the logistics that go into a job interview.
As for that senior executive that was referred to in your post, i am quite certain he will be given the job if he is an accountant.
Having said that, such a response by that company is indicative of the culture inherent within it. That is why she is better off not working for it. If they can verbally abuse potential candidates, consider how they may handle their own captive staff. In that sense, I would say that the company did her a favour.
>>We had to terminate an executive for taking biscuits from staff pantry and bringing home. He said that it was common practice back in HK.<<
WTF?! Getting fired over biscuits?!
Sr Mgmt staff have a moral responsibility and their conduct must be above board. He went quietly. This guy was talk of the staff before management knew about it. We are talking about packets of biscuits.
Ever heard of lawyer asked to go for taking toilet rolls.
hi there
1. bro, scroobal, no offence, get real man!
2. snr exe has moral responsibility?
3. my foot is laughing all the way.
4. they are the ones who break all rules to suit their course of actions.
5. honest, i have seen one too many.
6. above board, what a joke!
7. do you know who is madoff?
8. get it!
Take it into context. If he has no qualms about taking biscuits from staff pantry, what else will he do. Obviously he has no moral compass.
Surprisingly these things do happen in professionals ranks as well such as the case of a Lawyer and partner earning half a million dollars who walked into next hotel room where the door was not shut and stole the guys personal effects including wallets and ipod etc while on a business trip in HK. This appeared in the press.
Madoff's is a Ponzi scheme - a crook from the start.
Sr Exective post refers to Sr Mgmt. Entry level accountants don't even make into middle mgmt. Firstly we were struck by the fact that someone with a post grad and relevant experience will worry about a coupon of a few dollars. Overtime, we have come across people like that - its falls between character flaw and unable to see the context of things. We had to terminate an executive for taking biscuits from staff pantry and bringing home. He said that it was common practice back in HK.
Anyway, event companies typically have temp staff and they can't be bothered. Not much of a culture when everything is transient.
Anyway, event companies typically have temp staff and they can't be bothered. Not much of a culture when everything is transient.
If i am an investor, i only care whether u make money or not, not whether u steal cookies from pantry!
She needs to be spoon feed?
When you reached a certain level, people will always smile and greet you. The only way to know their character is to see how they treat those who cannot benefit them.
>>We had to terminate an executive for taking biscuits from staff pantry and bringing home. He said that it was common practice back in HK.<<
WTF?! Getting fired over biscuits?!
Although I was referring to CFOs type of calibre. I know of some who are extremely detailed and prudent when it come to money.