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Gold smuggling using Singapore-Bengaluru flight



New modus operandi for evasion: Hide gold in ‘plane’ sight​

Gold smuggling syndicates exploit aircraft running both overseas, domestic trips; use them as points of exchange
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Representative Image Express Illustrations
Siddharth Prabhakar

Updated on:
28 Oct 2024, 10:53 am

2 min read

CHENNAI: To evade customs scrutiny at the international airport terminals, gold smuggling syndicates have devised a new modus operandi where they manage to hide gold in between the seat cushion and its frame inside an aircraft during its international trip and retrieve it during its domestic trip. Using this modus, carriers exit with the gold through domestic terminals, where the presence of customs officials is not commonplace.

A few days ago, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) officials in Mumbai discovered the technique. Sources said that Chennai customs officials have also busted a few rackets using similar modus operandi at the city airport, based on specific intelligence.

Sources said the gold smuggling syndicates conduct a detailed study of the airline’s schedule to devise such a plan. For instance, a carrier will board the Singapore-Bengaluru flight with the foreign-origin gold and conceal it in between the cushion and metal frame of a particular seat, say 37F. Generally, they choose tail-end seats that often have no middle seats, say sources.



This carrier will get down at Bengaluru and relay the information to the mastermind, who will pass it on to another carrier who boards the same aircraft running its domestic trip, say from Bengaluru to Chennai. The second carrier books a different seat, however, manages to retrieve the gold after the flight lands in Chennai and exits through the domestic terminal.

If caught, smugglers can also argue that carrying gold through the domestic route is not illegal. Sources said that some syndicates present forged receipts showing the gold was purchased in India, but the foreign markings are a giveaway.

However, official sources said that Section 111(i) of the Customs Act, 1962, empowers officials to confiscate dutiable or prohibited goods, if they were concealed before or after unloading. As long as duty is not paid, this section can be applied to seize the gold and the burden of proof rests on the person concerned. Sources cited how smuggled gold, have been seized on trains and buses by authorities and the confiscations have been upheld in courts.