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God has given Africa a natural nuclear reactor 1.7b years ago... But now they are so poor



The Silurian hypothesis asks whether it might be possible to find evidence of a pre-human industrial civilization in Earth’s geologic record—even one that might have existed millions of years ago.

The astrobiologists who developed the thought experiment concluded that there is not strong evidence in Earth’s geologic record to support such a claim.

However, we still lack the scientific methods that would allow us to dive deep into Earth’s behaviors over such a long time span, so we may want to keep an open mind.


Ancient high tech signatures are just Hidden in plain sight... But JLB choose not to understand.... Sigh

syed putra

Africa has only one navigable and arable river which is the Nile.

The rest are either too shallow, too strong a current or can only navigate just a certain times a month.

Plus Africa facing Indian Ocean and Atlantic has no natural depth sea port.

This may explain why it lagged