With regards to Covid and masks I'm not posting views I'm posting data and the data does not show any evidence that masks work. If they did all the masked jurisdictions would show a much lower infection rate compared to non masked jurisdictions but I just don't see that in the data. The virus carries on spreading regardless.
Lockdowns work if everyone complies and stays at home but at some point we have to emerge from our bunkers and the spread will then continue so what is the point.
New variants will continue to surface and if we lock ourselves indoors at the first sign of a new danger this will never end and the rich/poor divide will get even wider.
Many jurisdictions have opened up with zero restrictions and the world has not come to an end. In fact the difference in infection rates is so minimal that the measures all seem pretty pointless and achieve next to nothing. We'd save far more lives banning alcohol, ciggies and fast food then we will getting people to mask up and stay home.