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"Go home and fuck your mother CB!"


Alfrescian (Inf)
Which hawker centre is this? Looks familiar. Pek Kio? Sims Vista?

This is why it is important to invest in a quality smartphone to capture these precious moments. iPhone is the gold standard, followed by a Pixel, then a flagship Samsung.


what an uncouth little cunt. I would have emptied a bowl of boiling soup on her face, give her 2 slaps and kick her in the vagina.


what's the back story? What did the guy do to piss off that sweet and feisty lady?
maybe I think peak period then cbmouth woman and her father or mother take up whole table with all their things ... so people who need to eat not heypi and say her she buaysong knnbccb.lor


this is exactly how old slut behave, if it was old slut she will be screaming...."go home and fuck your pahang whore mother and canton dog sister