Who is Goh Meng Seng?
NUS econs in those days must have been really lenient.
GMS talk cock as usual. SDP is 99 year lease and since there is a possible of ownership transfer with modest appreciation, it cannot be pre-paid rental. Fail in concept understanding. Furthermore in upgrade works the lease period can be reset to 99 years again. NUS econs in those days must have been really lenient.
You cock-eye or I read wrongly? Ownership transfer only to HDB correct? That is why it is called NOM. Big Hole you can read or not? Price minus lease consumed. Current owners have option to convert to NOM.
Other than executive summary, I haven't had the time to read through whole thing yet. Looks promising.
I factored the appreciation because of upgrades that need to be carried out over the 99 years and will be done at discount. In addition, it can be used as reverse mortgage of higher value for those with no retirement security. Small fry fuck off. We know who you are.
Blah.....ROFL. You and GMS make good buddies.Which part of "Purchase price minus lease consumed" do you not understand, numbskull?
And who are "we"? Who am "I"? HAHA! Peabrain.
I admire Goh Meng Seng. He always makes sense.
I admire Goh Meng Seng. He always makes sense.
I admire Goh Meng Seng. He always makes sense.
He did not explain why prepaid rentals is a bad idea though. If he steps in here with his hoity toity views, I will grill him personally.
It is PAP dogma that made "rental" a dirty word.
There is ample empirical evidence for the complete failure of the PAP housing policy. Yet our Grand Old Man can come forward and claim it is some sort of success. Until he dies, we will never be able to even consider the policy option of rental flats to solve our housing problems. Instead, our young people are forced to swallow 30 year dual income mortgages to support an increasingly profit oriented HDB.