Have you seen the video on the Invisible Hand that I posted to educate your puny little mind? Each of the merchants there and now do not want competition if they can help it but they deal with competition in order to survive. As a hypothetical merchant, I want my suppliers (including those who supply only labour) to compete for my business and I do not want to compete for my customers' business but I have to otherwise I won't have any customers. Get it?
If and when I destroy all my competitors then I can jack up my prices to sky high and milk my customers for exorbitant profits ......... for a few years and maybe more ............ until the fucking anti-monopoly civil serpents come along ........ and I drag the proceedings out in court until it becomes clear I'm going to lose then I settle ........ in the meantime I have a few more years to squeeze my customers to compensate for all those years of low profits when I was establishing the monopoly through killing my competitors with lower prices (and profits). Sounds familiar - that is how your idol, Mister Hotel Buffet's friend Bill Gates built MicroSHIT.
The owners of Netscape, WordPerfect, Excel, IBM, etc all would have done the same if given the opportunity. Now that they lost the war for monopoly, they kpkb and sue in order to get a small share of the spoils and MicroSHIT gladly gives them $10 million each or whatever to shut them up and preserve the right to squeeze $50 million per annum from customers. And BTW, all those fucking customers who complain about having to pay $50 more for MS Office are not complaining when their pension is being funded by dividends from inter alia shares in MicroSHIT.
The fact that once powerful and monopolistic Nokia can fail proves my point - competition is good for the consumer. As for the deployment of my wealth as an actual investor as opposed to the hypothetical merchant, if I was long on Nokia, it's price action would have told me that something was wrong and I would have sold, maybe even gone short. Then I would have noticed that another company in the same space, Apple was going up and go long. I simply let the Vanderbilts, Rockefellers, Carnegies and what not fight it out amongst themselves, while I place my bets on the right horses through reading price action. I am more Jay Gould then Vanderbilt you stewPIG twit.
U know why i bring up vanderbilt and his life story?it proves my point about u,that u are a coward,u are afraid of competition,u only love it when it benefits u when its competing for you and not against you,doesnt matter what fucking hand video u bring up,it doesnt matter how u fucking hedge ur bets.u only see it from ur own perspective as long as u are the winner,u dont see from anyone else.
price action?price action is history,u are waiting for something to happen?u are waiting for people to already be halfway getting off the train before u get off urself?if u couldnt see intrinsically and fundamentally what made a company so valuable in the first place or why is it rotting from the core from inside why are u even in it?likewise for apple,if u couldnt understand industry trends,and what they were trying to make or what makes them so special their products or their management,u waiting for price action to tell u that?
thank you so much for explaining to me what monopoly and competition is and how it works,because we cannot even grasp it for ourselves intuitively how it works.or have not even encountered these terms in the remotest sense in any economics or finance book.
just replace ur entire argument the words merchants,businesses and corporations with the words,employees,consumers and suppliers and u just flipped ur entire argument around,everyone is in competition with each other,everyone is fighting for resources.who likes competition?who wants to be competing with cheaper better faster from other country?we want immigration control.we all want others to be competing for our labour and our dollars just like u want everyone to be patronising ur business only.everyone thats part of the system is a human being,we cant do without one another,businesses need workers and customers,customers and workers need businesses,otherwise who the fuck are u going to sell to?aliens?whose going to feed ur business?the somalians?the albanians?
every single human being is a tiny business in and upon itself,if im a butcher,im providing butchering services to those who needs it,if im a shoemaker i make shoes for others,a taxi driver i drive others around,in return i need other goods and services from others,all these form up to form an ecology,everyone has a role to support each other.this is economics,we have to look at every entity and every component that forms the ecology,not just from ur own perspective and ur role.thats why a smart economist and investor like ray dalio is a grandmaster,u can take ur jay gould and stick it up ur ass.the dangers of the corporations and businesses is they are trying to kill off this ecology,they are trying to outsource all the jobs to the 3rd world countries where workers are paid peanuts in order to expedite profits,they are trying import more cheaper better faster into the country to compete for jobs with the working class and middle class to drive wages down and reduce overhead,if say the americans are slowly losing jobs overseas,and those with existing jobs find their wages slowly being eroded or stagnanting.then how is the working class and middle class going to find the money to continue purchasing all the goods and services these corporations make in order to keep driving their profits and revenues year after year?whose going to buy ur nikes?ur adidas?ur toyotas?ur gillete?if u kill off ur market by outsource all their jobs and suppressing their pay whose going to buy ur products?welfare checks?taxing the rich?
vanderbilt's legacy did not come from the fact he is the richest man in america's history,even though he probably ultimately became a monopoly himself,his legacy came from the fact that he rose from nothing and destroyed monopolies himself,crushing competition,streamlining expenses,giving customers value and destroyed the old class of aristocrats in the 19th century and encouraged what is called true competition and free market.the man thrived on competition and was like any other business revolutionaries against the old traditional ways of doing things.
the monopoly thing,companies dont get sued because they are too big do they?they get sued because of antitrust practises,of bribery of main key components or suppliers,or using unethical unfair practises to prevent others from competing,thats how apple and microsoft got sued hundreds of times and are still getting sued.
also one more thing,too much competition and rivalry can be a bad thing too?u said destroy all competition......but this China competition it seems cannot be killed and its killing everybody,everybody is competing to see who can be cheaper better faster and its a race to the bottom to see who can be the cheapest most efficient and fastest.already countless of brands have been killed in us and japan and around the world.in the 1960s and 1970s,japan also noticed that too much competition can be bad for the economy as companies were competing each other to the death so they actually implemented laws to prevent excessive competition.