Charles dickens shit also repeated when already answered in the coalition thread. Why are Malaysians so shameless?Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist... Charley Bates, which Dickens playfully created to go with the cultural way of addressing one as Master.
Not to be confused with your own BBFA KGK Masturbates, which is this...
KNN maybe 1 A 1 D like her English and literature ADistinction type KNN.She might be a D cup?
At least one of her breasts since it's one big one small...
These kinds of words are only familiar to sluts like your Malaysian mother wife daughters! No need A1, F9 also very familiar!The broomstick user should be very familiar with this word since she got A1 for English and Literature according to her.
Yes I do love it... but mine a bit small so riding with pants currentlyThe Philly bike thread is an attempt to get more folks to ride bicycles. Healthy lifestyle!
Are you blind to not be able to see bastards viciously attacking me as slut whore mistress? I have been viciously attacked by Malaysians and sinkie traitor dogs and no one helped me and I am just fighting these dogs myself.Having been away for 5 years, came back to find some news on Malaysian GE here. Ghosh... how things have changed:
1) The forum is almost dead, but still not dead
2) Approximately 10 regular members still keep the traffic running
3) What happened to Ginfreely? Unbelievable what she has become
4) Philly Bike Thread is still here!
5) My account is still alive!
6) Could someone be kind enough to inform me who has died since 5 years ago and who is still alive? (I know of the demise of our respectable Ramseth though)
Are you blind to not be able to see people viciously attacking me as slut whore mistress? I have been viciously attacked by Malaysians and no one helped me and I am just fighting these dogs myself.
These kinds of words are only familiar to sluts like your Malaysian mother wife daughters! No need A1, F9 also very familiar!
I already answered this before to filthy Malaysian walker. I have filthy Indians calling me from around the world, people sending hi to me in WhatsApp, insinuating insults in YouTube by Malaysian thieves slanderers and harassers, filthy people sending insinuating insulting invite to me in quora and Twitter etc. should I go hide in the cave?But then you chose to stay and fight against a forum full of dirty old men which itself is puzzling
Your e and u lies are caught by heaven as a and o are further ! You are secretly hoping to rehash lies going against heaven wishes!Lol... You are obviously trying to spam this thread with as many of your repetitive and distracting posts and secretly hoping that @zhihau will dump your BBFA KGK lies and or excuses into the Trivia section so that readers can't get to the CRUX of your lies.
Good try Aunty Gin![]()
Call people a dirty slut based on hot air is your Malaysian loser bastard way to win!My mother wife and daughter are all virgins, unlike you a dirty slut.
Call people a dirty slut based on hot air is your Malaysian loser bastard way to win!
Oh and zhihau obviously moved his ravish thread to trash as soon as heaven helped me to expose his lies of e and u when a and o are much further away also can type wrongly!Your e and u lies are caught by heaven as a and o are further ! You are secretly hoping to rehash lies going against heaven wishes!
Dare not Take up my virginity test challenge. Your spade is hot airA spade is a spade, you are indeed a slut.
Oh and zhihau obviously moved his ravish thread to trash as soon as heaven helped me to expose his lies of e and u when a and o are much further away also can type wrongly!
Dogs are ganging up to attack me is a fact not excuse. Proven. Hey go repeat more lies yourself while I come back later!Topics involving you are moved to trash because it's your rightful place.
Pui your Malaysian mother wife daughters phua cb!You are nothing but a slut.