Since you have claimed several times to have actually gone to police stations to make police reports against certain monikers here, I think it's safe to say that the
police already know you are's
one and only "ginfreely", i.e. they know your
real-life identity, right?

So I'm wondering now, what would
their thoughts be
of you if they were to
read the above sentence of yours?

I'm wondering again, if one fine day, you happen to be walking around in public (let's say, in a shopping centre) and you happen to walk past some man
calling another woman a "bitch" or "slut" via his
handphone, will
you confront that man and accuse him of "insinuating"
Or worse, call the police?


If you do, maybe that will
finally reveal your
true colours to the
police, who might
finally arrest
you instead!
And you also have the right to remain
By the way, I wanted to let you have the last word yesterday in your famous long thread in the "Flame War" sub-forum:
which is why I've not replied there for over 24 hours.

But I've changed my mind and finally decided to reply, so please
wait patiently!