You have got it wrong there. Just because their land was stolen by the Chinese does not mean they have lost ownership of their tanah Melayu that is Singapore. It is no different from you continuing to be owner of the bicycle that was stolen from you even though the thief has modified your bicycle and has been keeping and using it for years.
You don't own any land. You are a squatter whose presence will be tolerated by the Malays so long as you don't cross the line.
Instead of counting their blessings and thanking their lucky stars that the Malays have not adopted the Palestinian model of violence to regain their land, the Chinese (and strangely even some Indians) squatters instead continue to show disrespect and sheer disdain for the Malays in the private and public domain. This range from the refusal to send their kids to schools with "a lot of Malays", denigrating them with offensive stereotypes and labels and a whole lot of other practices and insults which would have never been tolerated by a less obliging and patient race.
That the Malays own the land is no myth. Learn to accept it and show some respect to the landowners. I believe that is all that the Malays - who most would agree, are a very nice, obliging and tolerant people - want.
You may constitute 75% majority in this country. But that works out only to 2.5 million Chinese and in this Malay world, you are surrounded by more than 250 million ethnic Malays and Indonesians.
Continue with your disrespect, disdain and contempt for the Malays and it will be just a matter of time before a Malay Liberation Front emerges to either fight on their own or seek help from their 250 million Malaysian brothers and Indonesian cousins to liberate and reclaim their land from the Chinese thieves.