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Get ready to see more 'self-skidded' vehicles in the news


Most of these JHKs, especially Chinese JHKs, have no respect for the law and drive like as if the roads belong just to them. The driver must be that spoiled Ah Beng with the dyed hair on the left. Through his reckless driving, he had not only killed himself, but also his own brother and another JHB. Hope that they'll fight amongst themselves in the Nether World.

Whenever I see a JHK motorcycle gets into an accident, I'll always tell myself that they deserve it. Just look at how they, and mostly those young Chinese JHKs, will speed and ride recklessly without any consideration for other road users, always irritates me.
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Whenever I see a JHK motorcycle gets into an accident, I'll always tell myself that they deserve it. Just look at how they, and mostly those young Chinese JHKs, will speed and ride recklessly without any consideration for other road users will already irritates me.
I have a Singaporean friend who rides a motorcycle every day to work, and even he's appalled by the way his JHK colleagues ride - T-shirt, shorts, slippers, speeding in between lanes and weaving in and out of traffic.

He can't understand why life is so cheap, so disposable to the JHK - they work so hard, wake up at 5am to brave the Causeway jam every morning and the return home in the evening through another gridlock, just so that they can earn SGD to support their family back home. Yet they don't value their own lives, they don't realize that if they get killed or maimed in a bike accident there's no one else to put bread on the table.

It's ironic that low-income folk in Third World countries who have the most to lose have the least respect for life (their own & others'), while folks in developed countries would wear full-faced helmets, padded leather jackets, goggles, long pants and boots just to ride a bike.


I have a Singaporean friend who rides a motorcycle every day to work, and even he's appalled by the way his JHK colleagues ride - T-shirt, shorts, slippers, speeding in between lanes and weaving in and out of traffic.

He can't understand why life is so cheap, so disposable to the JHK - they work so hard, wake up at 5am to brave the Causeway jam every morning and the return home in the evening through another gridlock, just so that they can earn SGD to support their family back home. Yet they don't value their own lives, they don't realize that if they get killed or maimed in a bike accident there's no one else to put bread on the table.

It's ironic that low-income folk in Third World countries who have the most to lose have the least respect for life (their own & others'), while folks in developed countries would wear full-faced helmets, padded leather jackets, goggles, long pants and boots just to ride a bike.
Even on the flyover just before the JB CIQ, there have already been many cases where the JHK bikes collided amongst themselves, both directions, in and out of JB. One of my JB friend's husband also had a collision there and is now handicapped for life.