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Get ready to see more 'self-skidded' vehicles in the news


Alfrescian (Inf)


WTF is 'self-skidded'? It's not even an autonomous EV car. It's a farking ranjiao M'sia-registered Peradua Bezza.


SINGAPORE – A 74-year-old woman died after the car she was in crashed into a covered walkway shelter in Yishun on June 1 afternoon.

The authorities said the car was believed to have “self-skidded” near Block 820 Yishun Street 81 at about 3.45pm.

Photos of the aftermath posted on the SG Road Vigilante Facebook page show that a Malaysia-registered black Perodua Bezza had crashed into a pillar of the shelter. The impact caused the front left side of the car to be badly damaged.


The Stooge Times has reached the nadir of reporting. How can a non-autonomous car self-skid? Or even 'self-brake' before skidding in the first place? LOL.

Most cars today have 'fly by wire' accelerators, meaning a glitch in the electronic connection between the pedal depression and throttle response will cause sudden over-acceleration. Earlier batches of Hyundai Sonata had this problem, resulting in many bewildering crashes, even in carparks. Ask the taxi drivers.


LOL all these JH cars windows tinted so dark until like fuck, number plate numbers practically illegible, tyres botak until smoother than butter, no insurances, no valid licences, summonses accumulated for years....all can still come in and out.

No one, no nothing to check nor stop them. Really you suay kena langga by them you die your own daiji. There's zero recourse to seek compensation.


WTF is 'self-skidded'? It's not even an autonomous EV car. It's a farking ranjiao M'sia-registered Peradua Bezza.


SINGAPORE – A 74-year-old woman died after the car she was in crashed into a covered walkway shelter in Yishun on June 1 afternoon.

The authorities said the car was believed to have “self-skidded” near Block 820 Yishun Street 81 at about 3.45pm.

Photos of the aftermath posted on the SG Road Vigilante Facebook page show that a Malaysia-registered black Perodua Bezza had crashed into a pillar of the shelter. The impact caused the front left side of the car to be badly damaged.
Jiuhukia as vaxtards as sinkiepigs


WTF is 'self-skidded'? It's not even an autonomous EV car. It's a farking ranjiao M'sia-registered Peradua Bezza.


SINGAPORE – A 74-year-old woman died after the car she was in crashed into a covered walkway shelter in Yishun on June 1 afternoon.

The authorities said the car was believed to have “self-skidded” near Block 820 Yishun Street 81 at about 3.45pm.

Photos of the aftermath posted on the SG Road Vigilante Facebook page show that a Malaysia-registered black Perodua Bezza had crashed into a pillar of the shelter. The impact caused the front left side of the car to be badly damaged.
Tiagong many jiuhu machanics like to "zheng" Bezza in Pizza de woh