The $500 to $1000 probably refer only to the testing fee paid to the lab. I believe they will be smart enough to send a brand new engine straight from the factory to the lab for testing before assembling it. Therefore, there is no need to waste time and money to remove the engine from an assembled car. After all, each engine has an engine number and can be easily identified.
Just met a friend who has a car. He told me that a major overhaul of the engine which would involve removal of engine block, opening up engine block to rebore the cylinders, replacement of pistons... and reassembling the engine, would cost about $2000 plus. So I guess it would cost less than $2000 to remove and put back a car engine.
Sure or not. Full overhaul including over bore and new pistons only 2k? Which workshop sia? I also want. Do in Malaysia is it