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Posted on 06 Aug 2010
Why is Resorts World hiding fact that Battlestar Galactica ride is not working?
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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It has been months since Battlestar Galactica, the star attraction at Universal Studios Singapore, was closed. However, STOMPer TCH could not find any information about the closure on the Resorts World Sentosa website.
Why is Resorts World Sentosa hiding the fact that the most popular ride at the theme park is not working, wonders the STOMPer.
The disappointed STOMPer feels that by not disclosing this information on the website, visitors who come to Singapore to experience the ride might feel 'cheated'.
STOMP understands that the Battlestar Galactica ride has been closed for the past 4 months because of a design flaw with the cars.
As the design flaw might make the ride unsafe, the duelling coasters have been shut to prevent any mishap. The ride could be closed for more months and there is no date in sight for its reopening.
The STOMPer says:
"The Battlestar Galactica ride has been closed down for months due to a safety issue.
"However, there haven't been much news updates about the status of the ride till today.
"I visited Resorts World Sentosa's website to try to find more information regarding the closure of the ride.
"After surfing the site for about 15 mins, I couldn't find any information regarding the closure. What I found was plenty of banners promoting the Battlestar Galactia ride.
"Finally, I found a small link that said 'temporarily closed' on the sci-fi city homepage.
"The link brought me to the Battlestar Galactica ride's homepage where again, there was no information regarding the closure at all.
"I hope that Resorts World Sentosa will update their website with more prominent banners informing tourists and the public of the closure.
"We would not want tourists who came all the way to experience the BSG ride to feel cheated right?"
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: roller coaster , battlestar galactica , universal studios
Why is Resorts World hiding fact that Battlestar Galactica ride is not working?

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php/en_US"></SCRIPT><IFRAME class=FB_SERVER_IFRAME src="http://www.facebook.com/extern/login_status.php?api_key=94647dc2aba553f149d6f1f12f85ecc6&extern=2&channel=http%3A%2F%2Fsingaporeseen.stomp.com.sg%2Fxd_receiver.htm&locale=en_US" frameBorder=0 name=loginStatus scrolling=no></IFRAME>
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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It has been months since Battlestar Galactica, the star attraction at Universal Studios Singapore, was closed. However, STOMPer TCH could not find any information about the closure on the Resorts World Sentosa website.
Why is Resorts World Sentosa hiding the fact that the most popular ride at the theme park is not working, wonders the STOMPer.
The disappointed STOMPer feels that by not disclosing this information on the website, visitors who come to Singapore to experience the ride might feel 'cheated'.
STOMP understands that the Battlestar Galactica ride has been closed for the past 4 months because of a design flaw with the cars.
As the design flaw might make the ride unsafe, the duelling coasters have been shut to prevent any mishap. The ride could be closed for more months and there is no date in sight for its reopening.
The STOMPer says:
"The Battlestar Galactica ride has been closed down for months due to a safety issue.
"However, there haven't been much news updates about the status of the ride till today.
"I visited Resorts World Sentosa's website to try to find more information regarding the closure of the ride.
"After surfing the site for about 15 mins, I couldn't find any information regarding the closure. What I found was plenty of banners promoting the Battlestar Galactia ride.
"Finally, I found a small link that said 'temporarily closed' on the sci-fi city homepage.
"The link brought me to the Battlestar Galactica ride's homepage where again, there was no information regarding the closure at all.
"I hope that Resorts World Sentosa will update their website with more prominent banners informing tourists and the public of the closure.
"We would not want tourists who came all the way to experience the BSG ride to feel cheated right?"
Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: roller coaster , battlestar galactica , universal studios