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Genetic polymorphisms among various ethnic groups are partly responsible for varying rates of gastric cancer in the world






Gastric cancer is a global health concern. There is a marked geographical variability in the incidence of gastric cancer, with higher incidence in East and Central Asia followed by Latin America and Eastern Europe. Survival rates in gastric cancer are low and strongly stage dependent. Due to the limited survival benefit achieved from currently available therapeutic options, prevention and early diagnosis are essential to minimize morbidity and mortality from this disease. Countries with high incidence of gastric cancer have pioneered the development and implementation of prevention and screening programs. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication and dietary modifications are the main preventive strategies. Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy is the mainstay screening strategy for early diagnosis. In this article, we review the lessons learned for gastric cancer diagnosis and treatment from high-incidence areas and discuss their applicability for treatment in the Western world to reduce morbidity and mortality from this disease.