GCT is right to a reasonable extent. Singapore is different from Malaysia, the latter is definitely more corrupt. While there may be corruption in Singapore, it isn't as prevalent. No?
Almost every country in the world have foreigners supplementing the economy. Do you want Singapore to be like North Korea?
Those are easily rectifiable. You do not need a new party and a new government to correct these silly judicial errors.
Singapore isn't competitive anymore. Wages have risen faster than productivity. Even if a new party forms the government, they will be faced with the same issue, the same problematic Wages vs Productivity dilemma. No?
I am not saying PAP is the best or have the right to govern forever.
I am asking ~ Are there a sizable number of Singaporeans who are prepared to change and have the tenacity to change?
At the moment, I doubt. Life has been stable and good for the average Singaporean, despite some hurdles along the path of a young nation.
What's the point of voting an opposition into power, and 2 years down the road, the same oppie supporters, who lacked tenacity to change, start to throw bricks at the Oppie Parties that they voted for to be their government, who are bound to make hard decisions like PAP, as they face the same fundamental socioeconomic issues?