Many folks especially those morons at fuckwarezone have the delusion that HENG AH they pay money and went for tiong vax tiagong it's safer lol..... alot on tiong vax also uplorry wad.... due to confirmation bias, you just refuse to look at the tiong vax kill rate lol..... let me tell you lah this whole fiasco is a direct reflection of one's IQ and EQ level.
It doesn't matter how high is your school education, ability to impress others by solving brain teaser questions, mathematicians, school teachers, lawyers, doctors, or anything in between pretending and deceiving yourself that you are on a higher league? lol.... this garbage zham experiment is a life and death matter and you failed miserably due to your lack of intelligence..... Many may not have the chance to reflect on their intelligence due to being six feet under or turned into ashes.... Bottom line, don't equate school education with intelligence (KNN this is wad that called Halo Effect). It's two completely different things.