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Full-time jobs for foreigners, temp jobs for Singaporeans
December 3rd, 2010 | Author: Contributions
This is not the Singapore I know before the influx of foreigners came to our land.
It used to be our parents did not have as much of a problem of finding a full-time job as compared to us now.
I recalled a time that it took years and hard-earned demonstration of commitment before a foreigner could get his/her PR, unlike today in which PRs are issued like throwing confetti before any foreign Tom, Dick and Harry who is more than happy to reap its benefits in less than a year!
But mind you, I am not working as a full-timer, but as a freelancer in the creative industry. I remain as a freelancer, not by choice, but because many agencies are not willing to hire me full-time which means paying my CPF, despite me willing to reduce my salary to that of a PRC here.
So far, I’ve been working for 3 agencies while I continue to send out 1000s of CVs. I am thankful for some income that comes most of the time, if not every month, since I am hired on project basis. I noticed that each agency promised me a job after trying me out for a few weeks. Those few weeks turned to months, with excuses from them that they have “no budget to hire full-time”. Eventually, agency no.1 (which is an MNC) hired an Indonesian fresh graduate. Agency no.2 hired an Indonesian fresh graduate same as agency no.1. Agency no.3 hired a PRC. All these foreigners were given the full-time jobs originally promised to me and without having to go through the probation periods that I went through despite my years of experience exceeding theirs!!
It’s been really heart-wrenching, considering that I have a family to feed and urgently need that source of stable income. I have to continue to swallow my angst and dismay while sitting next to these fresh hirelings. Some of them their English is so bad that they needed help in translating and even asked the meanings of simple words! They are no foreign talent, just cheap labour for employers to exploit without having to relocate to 3rd world countries.
Some of the PRCs in the companies have told me unashamedly that they hope to get their PRs within a year, buy a flat here with the govt’s grant, and then retire to their homeland. Commitment to Singapore has become a laughable topic.
From reading the articles in TR, I can see that I am not the only one, and am pretty dismayed that on my left and right, my fellow Singaporeans are suffering from this and much more. The rising costs that is spiralling out of control has made me too afraid to want to start a family here considering that I have to worry about my retirement as well. What national identity can my children be proud of by the time this country is made up of 50% foreigners? And for whom are our sons defending while male foreigners can just come here easily, get a job and PR without having to serve the army?
This madness has got to stop. VOTE FOR CHANGE, VOTE PAP OUT!
Hopeless Sinkaporean
December 3rd, 2010 | Author: Contributions

This is not the Singapore I know before the influx of foreigners came to our land.
It used to be our parents did not have as much of a problem of finding a full-time job as compared to us now.
I recalled a time that it took years and hard-earned demonstration of commitment before a foreigner could get his/her PR, unlike today in which PRs are issued like throwing confetti before any foreign Tom, Dick and Harry who is more than happy to reap its benefits in less than a year!
But mind you, I am not working as a full-timer, but as a freelancer in the creative industry. I remain as a freelancer, not by choice, but because many agencies are not willing to hire me full-time which means paying my CPF, despite me willing to reduce my salary to that of a PRC here.
So far, I’ve been working for 3 agencies while I continue to send out 1000s of CVs. I am thankful for some income that comes most of the time, if not every month, since I am hired on project basis. I noticed that each agency promised me a job after trying me out for a few weeks. Those few weeks turned to months, with excuses from them that they have “no budget to hire full-time”. Eventually, agency no.1 (which is an MNC) hired an Indonesian fresh graduate. Agency no.2 hired an Indonesian fresh graduate same as agency no.1. Agency no.3 hired a PRC. All these foreigners were given the full-time jobs originally promised to me and without having to go through the probation periods that I went through despite my years of experience exceeding theirs!!
It’s been really heart-wrenching, considering that I have a family to feed and urgently need that source of stable income. I have to continue to swallow my angst and dismay while sitting next to these fresh hirelings. Some of them their English is so bad that they needed help in translating and even asked the meanings of simple words! They are no foreign talent, just cheap labour for employers to exploit without having to relocate to 3rd world countries.
Some of the PRCs in the companies have told me unashamedly that they hope to get their PRs within a year, buy a flat here with the govt’s grant, and then retire to their homeland. Commitment to Singapore has become a laughable topic.
From reading the articles in TR, I can see that I am not the only one, and am pretty dismayed that on my left and right, my fellow Singaporeans are suffering from this and much more. The rising costs that is spiralling out of control has made me too afraid to want to start a family here considering that I have to worry about my retirement as well. What national identity can my children be proud of by the time this country is made up of 50% foreigners? And for whom are our sons defending while male foreigners can just come here easily, get a job and PR without having to serve the army?
This madness has got to stop. VOTE FOR CHANGE, VOTE PAP OUT!
Hopeless Sinkaporean