a country's natural population does not explode over 10 years. singaporeans were not making love fast enough to make enough babies to cause traffic jams.
if you want to have a bigger family at home, you would try to move to a bigger house or build an extra room before squeezing more people in. unless you're still living in the 60s and 70s and you think 6-8 to a room is equitable for a post-developing country.
oh, so now we're comparing to 1st world city again? sure. give me the freedoms and safety nets of chicago and then you can compare to chicago. if not, please stick to 3rd world countries.
why must always compare? why can't singapore set its own pace? our leaders only know how to photostat?
of course must compare mah
if you think Singapore is crowded, maybe try hong kong or Mumbai or dakka or even Bangkok
I think we are manageable
we have different reasons for doing what we are doing
importing foreigners is one of the fastest ways to increase one's population
the Nordic countries are doing it....the americans and the Australians are also doing that
in fact most first world countries are doing that....even in the Middle East , you see plenty of foreign workers
unfortunately, we do not have the natural resources, the space and the land
but I must say we are doing well...doing reasonably well despite all the constraints....
if crowded, cannot find a car park, leave your car at home or just take public transport....
Singapore is still a livable city
it is still a wonderful city - clean, green, safe and affordable....
as long as our economy is progressing and as long as we have peace, harmony and confidence....