Perhaps they were promoted?
all pro singaporeans are now BGs!!!
Perhaps they were promoted?
You should try and watch out for those who normally pretend to be pro oppo and anti pappy, but near elections particularly before polling day, they will drop a bombshell to try and sabotage the chances of opposition candidates.
It's more challenging than to target those who normally spew pro establishment/government propaganda. Those are so simple and obvious to spot.
these 2 are great.
i dont find anything wrong with them.
kopisai i dont know.never see him post before.
dont zap me.i just speaking the truth that all.not siding any body
i dont know why some jokers will go around attacking other people thread and posts just because the subject is not their cup of tea
very obvious....hahahaha
knnb this cockeyed is still alive
fucker should be banned to save this forum from extinction
enjoy lionheart while it can last
now fuck off
all pro singaporeans are now BGs!!!
totally agree
you are a nice forummer
thank you
if only every forummer is like you'
this forum will be one great place to be
a place call HOME
but thos knnb gangsters and thugs will ruin it
good morning brother meng
how are you
you okay
i miss you so much
can i give you a hug
you still reporting from the sewage tank of little black hole
How come u are talking to yourself here?
you suku suku knows nothing but bkt asshole
Shitfu you are back so hallo hallo hallo !!! Yes I want to jump but jump into bed with you.
you suku suku knows nothing but bkt asshole
Shitfu shitfoo... wherw have you been... I miss you...
You jump I jump... shitfoo
How come when I appear you also pop up? Can you go and use some mouthwash please .:kma:
all pro singaporeans are now BGs!!!
This pic is cool...