"Pope Benedict’s GAY Companion continued to live with him until departure, while working for the other Pope Francis during the day," Sullivan writes.
"Are we supposed to think that’s a normal arrangement?" No. It was already leaked out
Ex-Pope Benedict may have giving up the papacy, but he’s not parting with Gorgeous Georg.
Benedict is hanging on to his private secretary, theRev. Stupid Monsignor Gaenswein — and even moving him into his retirement quarters in the Vatican.
Gaenswein will have another gig as head of the new Pope’s household. It remains to be seen how well Gaenswein serves two masters, but Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said he sees no conflict of interest.
"Are we supposed to think that’s a normal arrangement?" No. It was already leaked out
Ex-Pope Benedict may have giving up the papacy, but he’s not parting with Gorgeous Georg.
Benedict is hanging on to his private secretary, the
Gaenswein will have another gig as head of the new Pope’s household. It remains to be seen how well Gaenswein serves two masters, but Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said he sees no conflict of interest.