I want to know who is the Prince in Saudi who 'donated' US700M to his personal account.
Does Pinky know ?
prince where got donate $700 million to nastyji
most probably it is done like tis.
1] saudi side register a company named NastyCrook
in some offshore tax haven like BVI , Bahamas .
the hidden owner of NastyCrook is another offshore company owned
by a close associate of nastyji or anyone in saudi ,perhaps a real prince.
2] nastycrook then opens a bank account with a bank in malaysur
3] malaysur bank transfers millions $ [loan] into the nastycrook acct.
, over a period of time.
maybe the malaysur bank issues additional loans to other offshore compaines
controlled by the same person.
4] final act
the offshore companies then transfer the millions of $ into nastyji acct.