Using ERP or raising prices won't improve road safety on highways in Singapore. It only creates and reinforces an elitist and selfish mindset in motorists who think they own the road now that they have paid an expensive toll charge. In their selfish mindset and super-inflated egos, every other motorists would have to GET OUT of their elite face (way).
The only way is to have more traffic cops on patrol. FINES for reckless driving won't work on the super rich motorists, demerit points to disqualify their driving licenses would deter reckless and inconsiderate driving habits.
Such drivers must undertake a mandatory defensive driving course and retake their driving test for a new driver's license.
Incorrigible drivers with repeat driving disqualifications should have their cars confiscated, forfeited and CRUSHED at the scrapyard with NO REFUNDS on their COE.