Thank you guys for all your feedback.
My product is from JapanLife.
We have the sole distributor rights to market only their idea and products.
No worries, we have medical device ISO 13485 (that is the similar ISO as that of a heart pacer).
We are not selling an idea, but as a form of health investment, where you invest in your health. Think about it, medical bills are going to climb up the future and the bulk of your expenses when you are old go to medical. An example is my mum, she recently spend 1+k for a scan due to pain in some areas. Think about it, when you are old , such fees are normal. We are all young now , hence we don't feel it. Now, my products can prevent this illnesses and it is even proved to work within 30 mins of product demostration.
Furthermore, people can rent it at cheap cost instead of buying. The general market won't be too skeptical cos price is low. Furthermore the transaction is very transparent, you get 6% from the rentee. And you even know who is the rentee. No complicated products like banks. There are also product maintenence every 6 months for the rentee side. Most importantly , at the end of the contract, the asset holder get a new product of equivalent value.
I am finding people that can have the foresight of this demand in future. And you will be rewarded handsomely when the company picks up. Furthemore, we are not using networking to sell our products. Office will be ready in suntec next month and every service station (shos) will be set up every 3 months. We are preparing for the next wave and we have the financial resources.
Renting medical equipment sounds risky. If someone dies or falls ill from using the product, the owner of the product - you, will kana!