As usual you missed the point. The vast majority did not purchase such investment instruments. Did Tan Kin Lian and company purchase such instruments? Why did they not purchase those instruments? Read my posts carefully again which you have graciously copied for easy reference. Especially my second sentence which suggests barring people with low IQ from purchasing such products.
One must discern carefully in any decision where the investments whether monetary, time or effortwise is significant.
Greedy bastards cannot survive unless morons exist.
If vast majority of Singaporeans bought those investment instruments, there will a riot, the PAP will order the banks to pay immediate restitutions to avoid it and to survive politically.
So what happenned to the Lawsuit, any legs stand on?
Next time, read things properly, get it into context and if you still don't understand, talk to a friend who has a higher IQ than you do. Don't talk to a stranger, they will not be honest enough to say that you are incapable of understanding simple things.
If you cannot understand any other posts by me, just repost it here and I will explain patiently.