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Filthy Dirty Singagore



Rodent climbing up man's leg at Serangoon coffee shop shocks diners


A relaxing afternoon break at a Serangoon coffee shop was ruined for one man who found an unwelcome visitor in his pants.

The incident occcured at about 2pm last Saturday (Oct 19) at a coffee shop at Block 3 Lorong Lew Lian, reported Shin Min Daily News.

The diner surnamed Liang said he had felt something worm its way into the leg of his long pants.

"My pant leg felt peculiar, then I realised that something had made its way up to my crotch area," he recounted.

The frightened man immediately stood up, shaking his leg while frantically pulling on his pants. To his surprise, a rodent fell to the ground.

"I was shell-shocked and very tense," he told the Chinese evening daily. "The diners at the next table who witnessed this must have been shocked too."

According to Liang, a female coffee shop employee caught the rodent with tissues and tossed it away.

He added that when he requested an explanation from the manager, he was told the rodent may have scampered into the coffee shop from elsewhere.

The man said he has also reported the matter to the authorities.

When contacted by Shin Min, the coffee shop in-charge said he had informed the diner that the rodent may have come from the neighbouring estate or burrows. --- lol

He said it is unlikely the rodent had nested inside the coffee shop as sanitation and pest control works are regularly conducted.
