the bible never wrong one......................timing wrong only..................
if everyone is good.................then the bad haven't happen..................or vice versa...............
bible.................truly the world's greatest.......................jokebook.............
those die-hard believers have a very huge ego , they are just too stubborn to admit that what they have been believing for tens of years is not
true , even when presented with solid logical fact.
firstly they like to tell you that everything is god made.
then they claimed this god is merciful and kind.
if god is like that , why did he created human that are imperfect (or sinner ) ?
this in itself is already a contradiction.
then he needed to send his son to save those imperfect humans.
so god has to create a son to help these sinners, as if he cannot do it himself.
as if this is not enough , to make thing a little complicated and confusing ,
they believed that this god also created angels and angels can turn into devils.
so for whatever reason one angel became satan and was blamed to be the cause of human being born as sinner.