1. Yes. We should remain calm. But we are talking about human beings. They have feelings. Not everyone think or calm like u or me, no? U see, even hypocrite Macron at the receiving end, also tak boleh tahan. Now he want to sue over the Hitler billboard.
2. Not everyone are educated and follow rules of law lah. Look at those 3rd world countries. How can u expect everyone to think straight and rational? Of course we should remain calm. But but...it has its limits. But of course killing is uncalled for. But we cant control one's feelings and emotion, no?
3. Inviting trouble equal inviting progress? Hmmm.......I insult ur mother, wife, daughters and sisters....drew nude pictures of them of display in public and social media. U called that progress?
4. Ok. Just cos others can take insults, doesnt mean i must also follow them, no? As for Muslims, u see, we love our Prophet pbuh even more than our parents. Tere are 1.9 billion Muslims. U expect 1.9 billion to be cool, patience, dont commit crimes? Come on. Why u target those very few who committed violence whereas u ignore majority Muslims who are not? Bias kan.
My scripture started more wars? Nope, Christians yes. And followed by ur group, Atheist.
body count
key findings and analysistable 2: 0–2008 ce
Civilization (Minimum Death) (Toll Maximum Death) (Toll Median Death Toll)
Antitheist (96,786,000) (153,789,000) (125,287,500)
Buddhist 80,116,000 95,777,500 87,946,750
Christian (119,323,000) (236,560,500) (177,941,750)
Indic 1,344,500 3,434,000 2,389,250
Islamic 21,964,000 41,923,000 31,943,500
Primal-Indigenous 34,232,000 56,890,000 45,561,000
Sinic 95,612,500 120,235,000 107,923,750
Total 449,378,000 708,609,000 578,993,500
Interpreting the results: Our findings show that, using the entire data set for the period 0-2008, politically and reli-giously motivated violence has cost between 449.38 mil-lion and 708.61 million lives. The
Christian civilization’s share of this is the largest with between 119.32 million and 236.56 million victims (median 177.94 million). In second place is the Antitheist civilization which has contributed with a median figure of 125.29 million deaths. The Sinic civilization is third with 107.92 million deaths (median). Fourth is the Buddhist civilization with ca. 87.95 million deaths. Fifth is the Primal-Indigenous civilization with 45.56 million deaths. Sixth is the Islamic civilization with 31.94 million deaths. Finally, seventh and last, is the Indic
civilization with just under 2.39 million deaths.