singapore always harbour hopes to be a top footballing nation, much because soccer is the #1 sport here and in the region
However, do you seriously think Singapore football has increased over these years? Look at our S-league, they created in with the lofty aim of raising the soccer standard - where is it now? You have even foreign teams coming in to make up the numbers. WTF, do you see a foreign team in all the regional soccer leagues? You don't see that in Australia, Indon, Korean or japanese league. Only Uniquely Singapore, you see foreign teams that come in and screw the system up.
We still remember the case of match fixing for a Chinese team. This year, you have Beijing, a japanese team, a French team. What the fuck are they doing? They are trying to draw the expatriates to watch the matches and to boost the coffers - obviously. But is it helping the local soccer?
Some serious work needs to be done. More money to be put in to develop talents from young. Do things ground up, with children league, schoolboys league, etc...thats how talent starts to flow through. Implement a proper youth system in the clubs to develope youth talents.
And for god sake, stop importing foreign talents if they really want to buy foreign, go out and buy the whole fucking Brazil U-12 / U-13 team...
And if they really want to increase the coffers, talk to Malaysia league or Indon league, put in 2 teams - bring back those glory and passion of malaysia cup days....with that, you have a core team who play consistently and another probably acting as support or reserve. And, you get the sell-out crowd every match.