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Posted on 24 Jul 2010
Listen up, those who complain about S'pore: Things are worse overseas
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So sad
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STOMPer TKK has lived in many countries and the STOMPer thinks that those who complain about Singapore have no idea how bad things can be overseas.
In the STOMPer's email:
"STOMPers who are unhappy, please pause for a while and look at what you have before you complain about the tiny things.
"I went on to pursue my dreams of escaping from Singapore and went in search of greener pastures.
"I got a job onboard a cruise ship and travelled the world, and as glamorous as it seem, it is no different as working as a trolley dolly; serving people on sea.
"The travelling has been an eye-opener; I went to places with top notch lifestyle for everything.
"For example, Norway, where the people are nice, weather is good, service is fantastic and it seems like heaven.
"But will you like to pay $40 for a McDonald's meal? Medical care is free, and you get three times as much salary, but pay for things at crazy prices?
=> Ah, this doggu forgot to mention that Norway pays even menial workers more than Peesai's graduates and ensures jobs go their citizens first. They also donch have $$$billion corrupt mnitoots ever ready to leech on the citizens!
"I went to places like Mumbai where the kids are still in their diapers running around begging for money.
=> Ah! Minitoots are the BEST PAID in the world, expect Sporns to compare with India? Anyway, Peesai is going the way India is as another 100k FTrash is being imported by the Familee!
"All countries have their problems, but Singapore has beaten a lot of places by far.
"I am trying to get a permit in order to live in South Africa; you have absolutely no idea how much I learnt to appreciate Singapore's efficiency after waiting for hours at home affairs only to have them lose your documents, and they don't handle whatever you are trying to process.
=> No cuntry admits FTrash as freely as the Familee Sell Cuntry Thieve to leeplace its citizens!
"Pause for awhile before you lash out at that lady behind the counter who had served the other customers before you and is two minutes later than usual.
"There may be horror stories about cabs in Singapore, but how about this: taxis in some countries probably mean a run-down van with a limit of 8 people but holds 20 anyway, with the auntie's morning shopping of fish and chicken, no air con, and worse, no steering wheel!
"On that note, I need to stress there are issues posted in STOMP that are constructive and I enjoyed reading it, because it keeps me in the loop of what's happening back home for me.
"Singapore, like any other countries out there, will always have room for improvement but for the meantime, relax a little, breathe a little, before you furiously punch at the computer to complain at the meal that cost 10cents more."
Listen up, those who complain about S'pore: Things are worse overseas

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php/en_US"></SCRIPT><IFRAME class=FB_SERVER_IFRAME src="http://www.facebook.com/extern/login_status.php?api_key=94647dc2aba553f149d6f1f12f85ecc6&extern=2&channel=http%3A%2F%2Fsingaporeseen.stomp.com.sg%2Fxd_receiver.htm&locale=en_US" frameBorder=0 name=loginStatus scrolling=no></IFRAME>
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer TKK has lived in many countries and the STOMPer thinks that those who complain about Singapore have no idea how bad things can be overseas.
In the STOMPer's email:
"STOMPers who are unhappy, please pause for a while and look at what you have before you complain about the tiny things.
"I went on to pursue my dreams of escaping from Singapore and went in search of greener pastures.
"I got a job onboard a cruise ship and travelled the world, and as glamorous as it seem, it is no different as working as a trolley dolly; serving people on sea.
"The travelling has been an eye-opener; I went to places with top notch lifestyle for everything.
"For example, Norway, where the people are nice, weather is good, service is fantastic and it seems like heaven.
"But will you like to pay $40 for a McDonald's meal? Medical care is free, and you get three times as much salary, but pay for things at crazy prices?
=> Ah, this doggu forgot to mention that Norway pays even menial workers more than Peesai's graduates and ensures jobs go their citizens first. They also donch have $$$billion corrupt mnitoots ever ready to leech on the citizens!
"I went to places like Mumbai where the kids are still in their diapers running around begging for money.
=> Ah! Minitoots are the BEST PAID in the world, expect Sporns to compare with India? Anyway, Peesai is going the way India is as another 100k FTrash is being imported by the Familee!
"All countries have their problems, but Singapore has beaten a lot of places by far.
"I am trying to get a permit in order to live in South Africa; you have absolutely no idea how much I learnt to appreciate Singapore's efficiency after waiting for hours at home affairs only to have them lose your documents, and they don't handle whatever you are trying to process.
=> No cuntry admits FTrash as freely as the Familee Sell Cuntry Thieve to leeplace its citizens!
"Pause for awhile before you lash out at that lady behind the counter who had served the other customers before you and is two minutes later than usual.
"There may be horror stories about cabs in Singapore, but how about this: taxis in some countries probably mean a run-down van with a limit of 8 people but holds 20 anyway, with the auntie's morning shopping of fish and chicken, no air con, and worse, no steering wheel!
"On that note, I need to stress there are issues posted in STOMP that are constructive and I enjoyed reading it, because it keeps me in the loop of what's happening back home for me.
"Singapore, like any other countries out there, will always have room for improvement but for the meantime, relax a little, breathe a little, before you furiously punch at the computer to complain at the meal that cost 10cents more."