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faggot confessed to parents he loves cock, kenna chased out of house. Orbigoot!!!!!!!!


Lieutenant General
ear Redditors,

I am gay. Yesterday I came out to my parents. I had just had an argument with my boyfriend and we broke up. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind and so I just decided to go ahead and come out to my parents.

I expected them to be tolerant. Instead of that what I got was being chased out of the house.

I slept at the HDB staircase last night. All I have with me are my phone, wallet and charger, a bag with some clothes and a water bottle. I’m fine right now, i use the charging ports and free WiFi at the mall nearby and I’m able to refill my water bottle/wash my face at the toilet.

What do I do now? I’m really confused, hurt, and I hate myself - I feel suicidal. I’m a student, I don’t have much money and I don’t know how much longer I will be able to sustain myself. I feel like calling the police and asking them to bring my to IMH (at least I will have a place to stay).

The other option is to go to a shelter but I don’t know how to go about doing that and I just feel helpless and lost. I feel alone.

If you have read this, thank you for taking the time to read through it.

TLDR: I’m homeless, broke, gay, suicidal and I have no idea what to do now.



Thanks for sharing. I have alerted gay fucks Jolovan Wham and Roy Ngerng and they have confirmed that their king size bed is able to accommodate one more gay fuck.



Dear gay boy, it's still not too late to reactivate your excellent idea to seek medical help at IMH for psychiatric therapy to cure your abnormal gay sexual orientation.

In fact, that is the best solution for you.

syed putra

Faggots should consider setting up a pool and open a safe house. And make sure premise is not misused fir personal desire.



Is this the real reason why Chao Ah Gua Roy Ngerng went to Taiwan? Being chased out by parents? Father kek xin until gave up carrot cake stall?