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Explain this and win a Nobel prize.....


There are two things that nobody understands no matter how smart they are :

1. Consciousness.

2. The results of the double slit experiment ie quantum theory at work.

I'm convinced that they are somehow linked. Our minds are quantum devices. Thoughts rely on quantum physics in order to arise. It is far more than just chemical and electrical activity.
i rarely find the threads ( lots of flaccid oriented threads) here exciting but this does excite me. I am going to do work and will be back to try to answer the way this phenomenal happens. Thanks for starting this thread.


There are two things that nobody understands no matter how smart they are :

1. Consciousness.

2. The results of the double slit experiment ie quantum theory at work.

I'm convinced that they are somehow linked. Our minds are quantum devices. Thoughts rely on quantum physics in order to arise. It is far more than just chemical and electrical activity.
Yes, they are.

Science is not complete without the understanding and the combining of current knowledge with knowledge of vibration, frequency and consciousness.

Consciousness, imo, is the state of perception of being and reality. First the mind and then manifest into reality. For a better grasp of it, in our current duality world, and let's say high and low consciousness. If you are always in love, light and truth, guess how your view of life will be in contrast to one who is always in fear, anxiety and ignorant.

Our mind or consciousness can change reality. That is what ascended master say. We go inward and love and light ourselves and the reality outside, in our personal view, will transform accordingly. That is why we are considered gods.

The double slit experiment phenomenal happens only when a person observed the electron being fired. Many do not understand it because It is US, we are the one, with our consciousness, that cause the double slit to occur. (that's god power aka we are the one)

The human cabal and their dark alien partners know this as well. That is why they control the world's media in order to trigger our mind to create/manifest a fucked up world we are in, so that we are stressed and fearful enough to create low frequency negative energy for them as their food source. (yup, they can't create, only those with god or source connection, aka us, can create)

They suck up negative energy as food. They don't have a soul connection like us to so they need to be energy parasites to keep themselves alive. Maybe the lost soul cannot even affect the double slit like we do. By keeping their negative alien well-fed, the human cabal are rewarded financially for their effort, such as big pharma.

I dun watch mainstream TV and very selective to the news and media that i am being exposed to.