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Expiring/expired cunts demand are trending in Singapore!


Yes I am. But I don't need another woman in my life. Besides, she wouldn't be my choice even if shew were the last woman on earth.
hey you self admitted JEREMY QUEK ASIAN TURTLE SON OF WHORE go to my facebook to scam my GOOD name to churn evil filthy lies of me a virgin as a fake virgin and dirty toilet bowl cheap cock sucker slut whore mistress and a dirty whore with millions of Indian customers and to harass me with porn photos AND TO ISSUE VIOLENT THREATS to win ok?


Yes I am. But I don't need another woman in my life. Besides, she wouldn't be my choice even if shew were the last woman on earth.
As usual proven fake ignore real hard at work. You serial liar son of whore have been using clones to direct attack me while talking to your clones to indirect attack me since Sinkie time.


@ginfreely the $1.3 public toilet.
hey you self admitted JEREMY QUEK ASIAN TURTLE SON OF WHORE go to my facebook to scam my GOOD name to churn evil filthy lies of me a virgin as a fake virgin and dirty toilet bowl cheap cock sucker slut whore mistress and a dirty whore with millions of Indian customers and to harass me with porn photos AND TO ISSUE VIOLENT THREATS to win ok?


Hey jeremy Quek why you dare not scam my good name anymore after I started retorting you Jeremy Quek? Given your lowlife character you wouldn’t have given a damn if you are not Jeremy Quek.
jeremy Quek dare not scam my good name anymore after I started retorting him with his name Jeremy Quek


Does this mean that ginfreely will be getting herself a toyboy?
