Bro , your friend is crazy .. Snakes don't eat everyday .. Twice a month will do
Is it actually legal to keep those pets in SG? I am interested if it is possible. My friend in Australia has a reticulated python and another friend in Japan has a hedgehog. I have been wondering if it is actually possible to rear animals like that here.
Are you a breeder? What happens if you get caught by mata? What you are doing must be very profitable, otherwise how to justify the risk of getting caught?
Any idea how I can get hold of a hedgehog (no need to be a baby) assuming that my budget is $250? How long can it live and what does it eat? If in Malaysia, how do I bring it in?
Thats a magnificant shot!!! Are those radiata turtles?
it is cramped ....anyway its just for a day .the following day going to send overseas . just a stop over .
Pot belly pig? They have been popular in America. Donno why they've never taken off in singapore.. maybe because they are non-halal.
I want to breed to sell but how to get the eggs?
I guess if these animals aren't legal then it's not safe to keep a farm where there are many of these animals together. They are probably bought from part time breeders everywhere.
Do cats dream?
I believe so, used to see cats laughing in their sleepmust be dreaming
you sure not...
uncle botak....
No, alamak
your long fingers can span many keys
( either that or can dig deep )
thank you , yes bro...they are land tortoise .
Which animal are you keen to breed?
Bro drifter,
Do cats dream? I check some websites but can't find the info. Any pratical experience that you can share?
I want to breed to sell but how to get the eggs?
I guess if these animals aren't legal then it's not safe to keep a farm where there are many of these animals together. They are probably bought from part time breeders everywhere.
Its easy for AVA to catch people in the wild-life trade. All they need is to catch one who will soon enough provide all the phone contacts of buyers and sellers in return for a lighter sentence. Make sure you don't have any porn dvds, playboy mags or contrand ciggies when they come raiding, then easy for judge to upsize sentence. This is how my friend got caught after his pet shop dealer kenna arrested.