A further example of just how bad the rot is can be seen from the selection of people who will serve as future MPs. To win, a blind eye is turned to people with serious characther flaws. If a person was already abusing the little power he had to prey on young girls, it is almost too painful to imagine what it would have been like if he had the benefits of high political office to bolster his extra-cirricular pursuits.
If you are referring to Jack Neo, that is true. I had never like him ever since I read that he took a widow to court over a business payment, many years back. Therefore it is not surprising that he abused his position to entice girls (they must be young, who would want to entice an old lady?). However note that all these events were far more than 2 years back.
Thus I was very surprised to read that he is a Christian. My first thought was any one can call himself a Christian, so what's new? Then I read that he was trying to end his affair within one year after becoming a Christian. I presume he was not trying to open another but wanted to be faithful to his wife. It also explained a subtle change in his current movies which I cannot avoid seeing because of the compulsory trailers in the cinema.
But yes, he should not hold public office. Neither should he hold church office. If I am right that all these is because of his conversion to Christianity, then we will see a different Jack Neo in the coming years, from a philanderer to a faithful family man, more compassionate and kind, a better producer with more depth to his films. I wouldn't throw any stones at him at this time but will watch to see if this new creation developed within him.