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Serious Ethnic Cleansing of CECAs At Changi Business Park! Good Jobs For Sinkies Lost! Samsters Happy Now?


Their infestation is too deep and too late already. Sinkies are doomed.







peesai is for foreigners to come and shit and go back to their kampong after benefitting ...........those sinkee clowns who think the pap really takes care of you, please go to the nearest polyclinic get your head checked
Sinki has to 买单time after time...Good Job, Right Boss John?



Losers sinkies fans booing? South Korea’s Son Heung Min responds in post-match press conference.

who are those sinkies fans booing? the victorious South Koreans or those pussies they called Young Lions?

Lions + Pussies = Lussies.

7-0 only? the koreans should've utterly and mercilessly obliterated those Lussies and let MBT and ET savour the whole match immensely. make it 70-0. a Korean buffet treat for those 70%.

Don't be afraid of getting mauled and mobbed by local soccer fans (unlike rowdy European or English fans)
Loser sinkies and their Lussies don't even dare vote for alternative parties, let alone attack the visiting victorious koreans.

the whole scene team reflects the govt, their voters, the civil service and that abandoned, bankrupt and crumbling CBP.
CECA Cheebye Business Park.

GE2024 -
Alternative parties 70 GRCS and 70 SMCs

"And, I wonder when we are ever gonna change, change
Living under the fear, 'til nothing else remains"

Tina Turner - We don't need another hero.


They just shifted to Punggol Digital District, nothing suspicion here
Dont worry about the empty vacancy offices, REITS are more worried
Soon another fresh batch FT will be invited to fill up the void

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
All the American and European MNCs are scaling down ops globally because of gloomy economy. Of course Sinkapore employment rate and rental will decline.

The problem is our Ceca FTA treaty brings nothing to the table for sinkies. No India businesses brought investments here ... Only smelly shitskins stealing jobs.


All the American and European MNCs are scaling down ops globally because of gloomy economy. Of course Sinkapore employment rate and rental will decline.

The problem is our Ceca FTA treaty brings nothing to the table for sinkies. No India businesses brought investments here ... Only smelly shitskins stealing jobs.
keep bringing diseases but the bitch continues to open her legs