• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Elon Musk TED talk


New Member
Hi sir/ma'am, I see that you are a super moderator in SB.

Do you have access rights to remove old inactive posts?

I'm humbly requesting for removal of an old inactive 2009 post that has caused me to be unable to get a job for years. Please read a short explanation can? please please

This is the post in 2009.


Yes i am that guy, have served my sentence and have been out of prison already. Justice has been served and I am glad to be out. Everything is over and I'm just trying to move on.

However, this one Sammyboy post has caused me to not be able to get a job for XX years because of this one article.

Whenever any potential employer googles "My name", this is the top post. And then they unfairly won't even think twice about replying me. I haven't been able to get a job since.

The original Straits Times article is no longer online. So if this Sammyboy post is removed, googling "My name"

will no longer have this bad record of what has already been over in the past, and at least i have a shot in getting a job to feed my family.

The author of the post (https://www.sammyboy.com/members/besotted.4420/) cuts and pastes articles and just bad mouths them and it is internet history.

The original poster posted this back in 2012 (https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/ch...this-forum-forever.123591/page-5#post-1172881) that maybe he has stopped posting in Sammyboy already.

So i'm asking you as a fellow human, is there a chance you can help me remove that post?

1) The original author has already been inactive for almost 10 years on Sammyboy,

2) That post has no replies or comments, thus inactive forum thread.

3) There is no URL backlink to any other Straits Times article link, no traffic to be linked. And also Straits Times doesn't even have this old article saved online anymore. They won't keep such old dead news. No value to them.

4) This post has been haunting me for years and causing another human who is innocently trying to move on with his life and just feed his family but just no employer will hire me, to be hindered by this unfair post.

Please, if you can help another human, I would appreciate it a lot.

You don't need to reply me, I am not out to cause any trouble to Sammyboy or the admins, just wholeheartedly asking for a favour.

I understand if you may not be able to reply me, to protect yourselves. I totally understand. I will keep checking the link to see if you were able and willing to remove that post.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly, for reading this even.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Hi sir/ma'am, I see that you are a super moderator in SB.

Do you have access rights to remove old inactive posts?

I'm humbly requesting for removal of an old inactive 2009 post that has caused me to be unable to get a job for years. Please read a short explanation can? please please

This is the post in 2009.


Yes i am that guy, have served my sentence and have been out of prison already. Justice has been served and I am glad to be out. Everything is over and I'm just trying to move on.

However, this one Sammyboy post has caused me to not be able to get a job for XX years because of this one article.

Whenever any potential employer googles "My name", this is the top post. And then they unfairly won't even think twice about replying me. I haven't been able to get a job since.

The original Straits Times article is no longer online. So if this Sammyboy post is removed, googling "My name"

will no longer have this bad record of what has already been over in the past, and at least i have a shot in getting a job to feed my family.

The author of the post (https://www.sammyboy.com/members/besotted.4420/) cuts and pastes articles and just bad mouths them and it is internet history.

The original poster posted this back in 2012 (https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/ch...this-forum-forever.123591/page-5#post-1172881) that maybe he has stopped posting in Sammyboy already.

So i'm asking you as a fellow human, is there a chance you can help me remove that post?

1) The original author has already been inactive for almost 10 years on Sammyboy,

2) That post has no replies or comments, thus inactive forum thread.

3) There is no URL backlink to any other Straits Times article link, no traffic to be linked. And also Straits Times doesn't even have this old article saved online anymore. They won't keep such old dead news. No value to them.

4) This post has been haunting me for years and causing another human who is innocently trying to move on with his life and just feed his family but just no employer will hire me, to be hindered by this unfair post.

Please, if you can help another human, I would appreciate it a lot.

You don't need to reply me, I am not out to cause any trouble to Sammyboy or the admins, just wholeheartedly asking for a favour.

I understand if you may not be able to reply me, to protect yourselves. I totally understand. I will keep checking the link to see if you were able and willing to remove that post.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly, for reading this even.
