1 Charity can help fight for one group of pple
1 MP can help fight for an entire community of pple
1 Minister can shape policy to help the entire country of pple
Clearly, Lily Neo would be able to do more for the poor from where she already is and if she was somehow able to kick Vivien out and take over as MCYS chief then to set up and another charity which there are already countless ones out there.
In free market principle, anyone who feel passionate about whatever issue they want to help can start to help IMMEDIATELY!
If you are not that passionate about putting yourself on the line to helping others, then don't be a hypocrite coming here complaining and THEN WAITING for SOMEONE ELSE to do the job and pretending that you really care.
So far, Lily Neo has not helped anyone except those in her immediate ward from some medical bills cos she is willing to donate her MP salary. That's immediate and don't have to go thru endless debate and red tapes and long wait.
If she is smart, she can be creative to find ways and means to start up numerous organisation without the cumbersome gov red tapes. Maybe get numerous other passionate people and not hypocrites to start other numerous projects and immediately you see results.
Till now, how has any debate in parliament help the poor? By the time parliament finally approved (if ever) the poor is already dead! And maybe by then, that insignificant increase in "help" can't help anymore cos while waiting for the increase "help", the cost of living continue to grow as gov is planning to approve the help by increasing taxes, and when the approved comes, it is of no help at all cos with the new increased in taxes, come increase in cost of living, and those insignificant approved increased "help" can really help anymore, it's back to square one asking for more help which will take another decades. See the picture?
Where as without gov intervention, gov got no excuse to increase tax "to save the poor" and the poor can get help immediately from those WILLING to donate to those PASSIONATE about helping others by sacrificing their high pay and volunteer time and effort to genuinely helping others. If you find them not genuine, you can stop donating and donate to those competing for your donations that are genuine. Simple and effective. No need all the wayang in parliament waiting for decades for that insignificant increase amount.
Not to mention, 1 stupid policy from gov will result in DAYLIGHT ROBBERY TO EVERYONE thru tax!
Only an idiot will think that it is good for gov to help. A smart guy will see that gov is just a legalised daylight robber. Cos it is robbing EVERYONE thru tax to "help" SOME small group and themselves.