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Elderly die after testing positive for Covid - shocking! Elderly die after Covid Vaccine? - Normal


Sg more worse so many dormitory in news mention actually 100k plus got covid, they only break the news after vaccine available.Means before election alrwady so many but they jept quiet so Jo can get elected.jialat, now still want to vac elderly in sg


Better for all of the wuhan virus was treated as a flu. By now the virus would have burnt itself out n no need to use unsafe vaccines


Alfrescian (Inf)
People who have weak facial muscles and are very kancheong to get vaccinated should take note.

Probably nothing to worry about, but annoying when you look like a stroke victim. :biggrin:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Why didn't the HSA consider AstraZeneca vaccines?
bery screwed up data and results. how can they combine efficacy percentages from higher efficacy half dosages with much less people and lower efficacy full dosages with way more folks? “combo” efficacy percentage ends up at 69% - horrible math.


COVID-19 vaccine from China's Sinovac 91.25 per cent effective, Turkey says after trial involving 7,000 volunteers
Posted Yesterday at 11:03pm
Nurse Arzu Yildirim poses for the photographer as she holds a CoronaVac vaccine in front of her.
CoronaVac vaccine, made by Sinovac, is currently on phase 3 clinical trials at Acibadem Hospital in Istanbul.(AP: Emrah Gurel)
A COVID-19 vaccine developed by China's Sinovac Biotech has been 91.25 per cent effective, according to interim data from a late-stage trial in Turkey, a potentially much better result than reported from a separate trial of the vaccine in Brazil.

Key points:
The Turkish trials began on September 14 and have included more than 7,000 volunteers
Common adverse effects caused by the vaccine were fever, mild pain and slight fatigue
26 of the 29 people who were infected during the trial were given placebos

Researchers in Brazil, who are also running a final phase 3 trial of the vaccine, said the shot was more than 50 per cent effective, but withheld full results at the company's request, raising questions about transparency.

Turkish researchers said on Thursday that no major side-effects were seen during their trial, apart from one person who had an allergic reaction.

Common adverse effects caused by the vaccine were fever, mild pain and slight fatigue, they said.

The Turkish trials began on September 14 and have included more than 7,000 volunteers, the researchers said, adding the results announced on Thursday were based on data from 1,322 people.

Sinovac is the first Chinese vaccine maker to release details from late-stage clinical trials, following positive results from rival products developed by Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca last month.

The Turkish researchers, speaking alongside Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, said 26 of the 29 people who were infected during the trial were given placebos, adding the trial would continue until 40 people become infected.

He also said that researchers initially planned to announce the results after 40 people were infected, but that the findings showed the volunteers had minimal adverse effects after the shot and that it was therefore deemed safe.

"Despite it being risky, we saw a very light picture where three people's PCR (COVID test) were positive, with no fever or respiratory problems ... we can easily say that despite it being risky, those three people went through it very lightly," he said.

Three million doses to arrive on Monday
Turkey, which has among the worst infection rates in the world, has signed a deal for 50 million doses of the vaccine.(AP: Emrah Gurel)
Turkey had agreed to buy 50 million doses of Sinovac's shot and receive delivery by December 11, but the shipment was delayed.

Mr Koca said 3 million doses would arrive on Monday, adding that Turkey would vaccinate some 9 million people in the first group, starting with health workers.

Sinovac has also signed supply deals for its vaccine, called CoronaVac, with countries including Indonesia, Brazil, Chile and Singapore, and is negotiating with the Philippines and Malaysia.

CoronaVac has been given to tens of thousands of people under an emergency-use programme China launched in July targeting specific groups of high-infection risks.

CoronaVac is based on traditional vaccine technology that uses inactivated coronavirus that cannot replicate in human cells to trigger an immune response.

Vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna use a new technology called synthetic messenger RNA (mRNA) to activate the immune system against the virus. Their vaccines require far colder storage.

Pfizer's treatment is the first fully tested COVID-19 shot to be administered, with rollout already under way in Britain and the United States.

Mr Koca said Turkey would sign a deal with Pfizer/BioNTech for 4.5 million doses of their vaccine to be delivered by the end of March, with an option to buy a further 30 million doses later.

Doctor Iftihar Koksal, an infectious disease and clinical microbiology specialist, said at least 75 per cent of the population would have to be vaccinated to significantly reduce transmission of the virus.

"It's been shown there are no fatal side effects because it was done to thousands of people around the world," she said of Sinovac.

On Thursday, Turkey's death toll from the coronavirus rose by 254 to 19,115, according to Health Ministry data, while the total number of COVID-19 infections rose by 18,102.



Well, u can die but who cares..

U will leave yr name behind and yr children will curse at yr name...

"My fucking father was a shitskin.... Blah blah..."

So start building a good name when u are still alive.

Remember when u die u become a tree. If u are evil or stupid HE will make u a tall tree and u stay there be scorch by sun heat in summer, freeze yr nuts in winter, monkey will shit on you, woodpeckers will hurt yr balls pecking at yr nuts...

That guy is dead. Someone killed him and I took over this account.

I heard that they stripped him naked cut off his penis made him eat it, then rubbed his testicles into his eyes until his eyes got crushed and his testicles became his eyes.

Then they skinned him bit by bit and fed his his skin to eat.

Then cut off his muscle and burned him slowly till he died. Took over 69 days to die.