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.............I'm pretty sure Singaporeans are not dumb, but just in case of blur newbies with a couple of tens of K precious savings sitting idle in the bank getting itchy fingers, please don't listen blindly listen to this salesman.......
So guys, let's hope no more slagging each another on this toilet fengshui issue and no more saying this project or that project has bad fengshui. A good fengshui master does not condemn but think of ways to counter it and unselfishly sharing it. Afterall a person's success depend most importantly Fate and Luck. Fengshui comes in last to enhance whatever you have. But I believe a fourth element which is Hardwork.
New Year is around the corner and we should congratulate each another for having the wisdom to invest. We should be grateful for what we have today. Of course if you guys want to continue party...
Happy Spring Festival..Good Luck everybody.
So guys, let's hope no more slagging each another on this toilet fengshui issue and no more saying this project or that project has bad fengshui. A good fengshui master does not condemn but think of ways to counter it and unselfishly sharing it. Afterall a person's success depend most importantly Fate and Luck. Fengshui comes in last to enhance whatever you have. But I believe a fourth element which is Hardwork.
New Year is around the corner and we should congratulate each another for having the wisdom to invest. We should be grateful for what we have today. Of course if you guys want to continue party...
Happy Spring Festival..Good Luck everybody.
Thank you for your insight. Just to remind that investing in property and feng shui cannot be separated. As i said, feng shui discussion in this forum is for all readers (investors and potential investors). We cannot be selfish and stop information from flowing. By wanting to stop someone to tell something that can be a deciding factor when buying a property is a selfish act.
Buying a house can be a fascinating experience, even if at times filled with fear and doubts. Applying feng shui to the process of buying a house is a wise investment on many levels and it will give you peace of mind, as well as assure that your house is a good financial investment. Apart of highlighting feng shui issues, I am also ready to share remedies provided that people believe in it. FYI, i did received many private messages from forummers that seek my advise and i gladly willing to share what i know to them. That is why, i dont response or waste time on those who can only childishly mock and resort to personal attack in this forum. Don't be scared of feng shui. Is part of our culture especially in the chinese community in Malaysia and Singapore. Lastly, i will like to wish all the guys here Happy Year of the Goat and Gong Xi Fa Chai. WISHING YOU GUYS SMILE OF PROSPERITY.
And if you PM me, I might be able to help you with some pointers too. You are not the only one who knows about fengshui.![]()
Aiyoh, how can you compared to him? Absolutely beyond comparison. You are insulting him by doing that. Don't believe me. Ask anyone in this forum. I dare you! Hahaha. Oh! I'm done posting in this thread. Time to move back to RF thread. See you there! Hahaha cheers![]()
"Prove" one wrong, not "proof".
2000 "units".... not "unit".
"...", not "....".
blindly listen, not listen blindly listen.
I believe this episode serves to teach you a lesson about not slagging others property. Now you are changing your stance n saying it's OK to have toilet in the middle. Typical. I guess you should apologize for saying EW house has bad fengshui n misleading people with your half baked statements. But I doubt you ever will. You can do everyone a fav by proving me wrong. Hahaha
Thanks everyone for backing me up on this. Appreciate your love.
Not "wanted use"'s "wanted to use" hello...Don't come here and sia suay yourself. I had told you many times! Looking at your persistence to embarrass yourself, good! I'm compiling classic English mistakes for my students. You are one good source. Keep it coming. Cheers![]()
I forgot to add in one key word: "for my KINDERGARTEN students"...there is still one more vacancy in my English class...let me know if you are keen...I strongly encourage you to attend.... Hahahahaha....Cheers![]()
Aiyoh yoh...u have indeed stagnate since my last post in this forum. Work harder to improve your standard first la..come on! Or you prefer me to post in RF thread? Hahaha cheers![]()
It's very obvious my posts are under moderation n will take time to be loaded. Don't ask the obvious. Bro huat, I know you are itching to get into action n that's exactly what cslong wants to do as he is now clutching straws in desperation. For my sake I hope you can tahan n not get into this issue. I have already cornered him n he has nowhere to turn. Hence he starts by doing what he does best by starting a shouting match. That's what a good forummer does, isn't it?
Yawn. Tell us something new. By the way have you called to enquire on the pricing n sales? Are you even buying a unit? If not then why are u here? I didnt see anyone attacking RnF property like u do on other developer. Who cares about what u think about fengshui? Are u certified? Qualified? Track record ? If all the answer is no, then Here's a kite for you. Go on with ur miserable life.
Lol....we have indeed great fengshui in this forum now with the presence of this fengshui master residing here plying his trade...everyone is so harmonious and happy interacting here. Understand? Cheers![]()
Hahahahaha...come me more...hahaha cheers
Not "u", it's "you".
No such english word as "la".
Cannot start a sentence with "or"
Not "in RF thread", it's "in the RF thread".
Cannot start a sentence with the word "Or"
Not "n", it's "and".
Not "For my sake I hope...", it should be " For my sake, I hope....".
Not "tahan", it should be "stand".
Not "Hence he...", it's "Hence, he..."
Not "didnt", it's "didn't".
Not "u", it's "you".
Not "Here's", it's "here is".
Not "ur", it's "your".
omg..what is this forum becoming to.....this used to be my best guide to 'Living in JB' where the community really helped each other share info on how to start living in JB & useful tips & practical guide on buying homes...rules & regulation..etc. From what i've read in the past 2 hours....disappointing. I'm no guru but after multiple home purchase & sales in the past few years in JB lets see if i can shed some light & hopefully can help those who are sincerely looking for a home or investment property in JB.
For a start, i'm a Malaysian working & living in Singapore. Most Malaysians will place landed properties as their priority esp for their 1st, 2nd & even subsequent properties, with the exception of KL & Penang where landed properties are beyond average folks reach, then only do they buy condo/apartment, where the latter status is considered a more affordable option. Like most Malaysian, i did the same, all my previous & current properties in JB are landed, i did look around some condo but never really got down to actually buying 1, here are some reasons:
I read somewhere earlier on something like -'Would you prefer to live in a HDB or in a luxurious condo in JB'...well, hands down i will pick a HDB anytime, no need to even think or consider. In terms of daily practicality, its just plain easier to live & work in Singapore. In terms of product comparison, well, for those who have never lived in a HDB b4, most HDB in Spore have far better design & layout compared to 'luxurious condo' in JB. No offence to Johoreans, but being a Malaysian myself & having lived abroad in a few cities, that's the sad truth like it or not. I personally feel R&F design to be alright, finishing better than the average condo, but certainly nowhere near luxurious.....there's not even a single slab of marble in the matter what their sales rep/agent claim....its just normal tiles....Paragon near Danga Bay to date has the best finishng i've seen, and i heard Astaka as well, but have not visited Astaka so can't comment.
So, my 2 cents advice for any agents or developer staff in JB selling condo, please do yourself a favor by not using that as a selling point, you will only manage to prove that you are ignorant & not thinking right. And then there is the talk abt being near to RTS/MRT station in JB...hmm...this is something that's suppose to be a no-brainer...but then again, think about this....if you are working in Singapore and want to live in JB, why would you want to pay almost the same price and yet have to squeeze in a train, go through immigration checkpoint, queue up & stamp your passport, then continue the train ride into Singapore, then after work do the same thing...reach home at 10pm?? Yes i will do that if i only need to pay RM2k rent (or buy a condo at RM300k)...because i can easily buy a 3rm HDB for SGD200k (RM500k), but based on most 'luxurious condo' prices in JB now, with a 2rm unit going at RM600k onwards.....again i rather just buy a HDB in Singapore, if i cant buy, i'll just rent.
Next is, then why would i want to buy a landed (terrace from RM600k, cluster for RM1m etc etc)? Because landed properties have proven to give good capital appreciation, highly sought after by both locals Malaysian & foreigners, and my intention is to keep mine until time when i decide to return to Malaysia maybe 10 years from now, and i have a nice freehold landed to live in with my entire family. I won't wana live in a condo, take lift up & down everyday, share a corridor with 8 other way....i want to have my own garden, my own car porch for 2-3 cars & huge comfortable 4 bedrooms + maids room & 10 years later i can be quite sure i wont be able to buy a cluster semi-d for RM1m, so to me its a long term investment and as a hedge against inflation, as long as i can afford it, i will buy now to ensure a comfortable life later on.
Oh, and of cos, with regards to fengshui (good or bad), this is quite mindless as well. I find it disturbing that there are arguments going on endlessly abt fengshui. I rather have a freehold landed property with supposedly bad fengshui that will almost certainly appreciate in value vs a small 1000 sqf condo with excellent fengshui, especially in a state like Johore with vast amount of land still vacant & available for development for the next 10-20 yrs. And for a topic like fengshui, we can only use it a guide, if something really bad happens that i think the house fengshui is really damn bad, of cos not a big prob, its my own freehold land, i'll just do slight renovation to the house to alter the fengshui, no big deal.
Oh and i almost forgotten i'm writing in Summer & Spring thread.....well, a fair review, the entire township feel, looks & overall experience is simply great, full stop. The entrance statement, the landscaping, the fresh air, the open spaces & beautiful english style house design is , personally to me amazing, i would buy 1 if i have spare cash. But of cos we all have our own limitations, especially where money in concerned.
I think i'll stop rambling on & a nutshell, to summarize it all, if a friend were to ask me, my opinion for the following categories would be:
1) To buy as a retirement home- Hands down, no need to think further, just go & grab a landed property that you like & you can afford, you really cant go wrong, from my understanding & persnoal observation from my own landed home, most of my neighbours are Malaysian (ps. most of my landed homes average RM800k to RM1.3m), yes there are plenty of affluent locals who can afford such homes, the only group who can't afford are, most unfortunately, the fresh graduates who doesn't have rich parents...or who does not have parents who did proper planning in the past, so my advise to the younger group of malaysians would be to save up & start buying something, anything....which brings our attn to the lack of entry level condo/apartments in the market. JB needs more entry level decent condo/apartments....not another 'high-end luxurious' condo...
2) To buy as a weekend home, and you don't have time, don't want to maintain a big house with garden, then my personal choice would be Danga Bay area, there are plenty of condo units there to choose from, COuntry Garden, Tropez etc. I would pick Danga Bay for obvious reasons as a weekend home, i don't think i would wana take a bus or mrt...squeeze with 2 or 3 kids....then arrive at my weekend chiillout home, watch TV for 2 days, then pack up , take bus/mrt back to Singapore.....don't kid yourself, that's just plain hassle, i won't want to do that. I would drive in, go out makan, shopping, then go home sit on my balcony & enjoy the view & fresh air. And comparing with R&F (or the similar location), again personal preference, i don't think i wana be looking out to causeway bridge....and not forgetting the polution, exhaust fumes..etc etc.....sorry, not a personal attack on any developments there, but no thanks, just not for me. To me the Tg Puteri location shd cater to mass market, developers there should be building mass market affordable condo to cater to the many thousands of average Malaysians working in Singapore, where upon completion of the MRT, they can commute daily in & out, but looking at the RM1m price tag for a 3 bedroom unit, which is ard defeats the purpose, again i can comfortably buy a huge 4/5 bed HDB next to a MRT station in Singapore.....if i can afford RM1m, why would i want to trouble myself wake up at 5am....take mrt....go to work.....faint. Enough said.
3) If you are working in Singapore but income is in the medium range SGD2k-4k, where renting in Singapore will be a tad to expensive, & ideally u want to own a house, save some money, yet continue work in Singapore, then you should be looking at affordable condo/small terrace ard RM200k-RM500k (but only if you are a Malaysian), there are such properties available in Bt Indah/Nusa Bestari where you can take the CW3 bus straight to Jurong East & back home the same way. U just need to wake up earlier. For those in this category, if you do not yet know, there are decent affordable condo there, Sky Executive Suites in Bt Indah 2 bedroom average RM400-500k, Nusa Bestari D'Rich by IJM 1 bedroom for only RM200k-250k.....and existing normal terrace houses which is decent with gated & guarded averaging RM500k-700k.
4) If you are above average, and purely out to invest, with healthy budget of RM1m-RM5m, then just go straight to commercial shophouses, there are many matured neoghbourhood with 3 storey shophouses that are already tenanted & bustling with activities, just buy & start collecting rent, or fyi, there are already many small businesses in JB owned & operated by Singaporeans, so you can also use the shophouse for your own small retirement business.
Well, i just hope we can collectively help & provide beneficial info for any looking to buy a property in JB, for watever reason. And last check, Summer & Spring phase 1 is doing rather well with what i gather exceeding 80% sold, mostly to local i believe, as the Austin/Cascadia area is traditionally a local residential area, i ddi observe Singapore plate cars driving around, cant say maybe there are some Singaporeans there, or maybe Malaysians working in Singapore or Singaporeans with relatives living there.
Good luck to all & happy home hunting!!
Don't be hypocrite Long. It is so obvious you are trying so hard to bring down certain projects and promote your own interest with your one-sided argument.
Please don't say you're just trying to educate potential investor.
A half-doctor is a dangerous doctor. & a half-doctor who pretends to be a real doctor is worse.