1. With ETFs - Exchange Traded Funds - one will be playing with SPECULATIVE stocks akin to a pyramid game as such funds are backed by NOTHING. One pays REAL dollars for a mere token. If it rises good for you. If it drops in value, you end up with a mere token that none wants & cant even eat it.
Thus gamble with only what one can afford to lose, & NOT on hard earned life savings, or child's education funds, or even that long needed funds to see the World on vacations.
2. Bitcoin is a speculative fund. It now costs est $91,000/per coin. Most of the so called 'experts' that claim such coins will continue to rise are NOT BASED on facts, but only ASSUMPTIONS, such as a new US President soon into power that supports ETFs, so called 'entry points', etc, etc. Most of them by the way are AFFILIATED with Bitcoin's fate, as thus do have personal interest that it rises, winging & faking it along the way so that the naive will part with their savings.
3. At least they did admit that Institutional interest in ETFs are on the rise, but which ETF? Once institutional interests are on the rise, then this speculative game is NO longer in the hands of the common man, as they will have the financial power to move the markets up or down at will, as ETFs are backed by nothing.
4. Of interest will be the latest ETF - Dodgecoin. It costs only a mere SGD$0.49 per coin.
Should I be in charge of a Sovereign Wealth Fund - such are institutional funds - I would dump $300 Billion into this ETF, as it is low cost & speculation is high on who supports Dodgecoin.
Should I place $300Billion in a bank, it would take a year to earn that mere avg 4% on interest A YEAR.
Should I place it in Dodgecoin, that billion$ would certainly MOVE the market up, & speculative fools rush in, which an est $1 Trillion is traded DAILY on FOREX alone, thus when they move in, Dodgecoin will rise, & within days, it will certainly earn MORE than the mere 4% by banks that take a year to see such interest earnings.
Buy low, sell high, then buy low again, & sell high, etc.. this game can continue forever with my $300Billion.
HOWEVER, do not take my word for it. I am only an insignificant nobody. I presumed that I am alone with $300 billion to play this market, but there ARE OTHER SWF that would have BIGGER funds to play this game.
As mentioned - ETF is backed by nothing. It is a game that only institutional funds can play. Thus, only gamble with what one can afford to lose.