So by your own explanation, the moslem quran is not perfected. Details of an important part of the religion isn't included. The word 'perfect' means that you shouldn't need to add or modify it anymore.
Actually Allah has described precisely people like you who refuse to understand.
In 2:18 Allah says, "They are ˹wilfully˺ deaf, dumb, and blind, so they will never return ˹to the Right Path˺." That's you JT.
So I will repeat, that Allah has perfected His religion by the time of Prophet Muhammad. The Quran is perfectly preserved till today. The details of your obligations has been perfected during that time and is recorded in memory of many his companions and eventually compiled later. Of course there are narrations from that memory that are inconsistent with the Quran, and those are rejected as not authentic.
So the example here is that Islamic rituals are codofied and remains unchanged. Unlike Christianity that mutates because they do not have a system like the muslims. In church you sing, dance, eat, drink, worship images and idols, and god knows what else you will innovate in the future. Maybe sex too.
Important Biblical people from both OT and NT were not known to be carrying people off as slaves or profiting from the slave trade. Treatment of slaves was mentioned in the Bible, but again, the key people of both OT and NT were not known to be slave owners, slave traffickers or slave owners. Ultimately, it was Christians who put an end to slavery practice carried out by other Christians, and it was Christians who made moslems put an end to islamic slavery.

My toes laugh. The most devout christians practised slavery until the 20th century and protested and howled and had a civil war because of it.
Till today many still wished they can keep slaves. So bad until the former slaves had to mount a campaign called Black Lives Matter
You should read more about praise and worship of God in both the OT and NT, as well as the practice of Holy Communion. Learning theology from moslem shit stirring keling preachers made you stupid.
"But as the Ark of the Lord entered the City of David, Michal, the daughter of Saul, looked down from her window. When she saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord, she was filled with contempt for him." - 2nd Samuel 6 : 16
Really you believe that? You believe David forced himself on someone's wife and then got her husband killed? Really? God's prophet is that wicked?
That is why we say your whole bible has been corrupted by the hands of man. You don't even know which is original or authentic, so your whole book is full of false truth, contradictions, mistakes, mistranslations, errors. So you can throw away the book.
moslems during mahomet's time and after didn't have the hadith. So they would be praying to their arabian allah very differently from how you did so. If they could come back, they would not have recognized your current moslem rituals.
And no, the Bible doesn't need a man-made hadith to accompany it. That's for the deficient islamic quran only.
It is important for you to understand what hadith means. Hadith means what the Prophet practised, did, said and instructed during his prophethood.
You are implying that we muslims changed the way we worshipped? Well at least you now can admit that you christians have changed totally how you worshipped because you totally have no evidence or instructions of how to worship. That is why you have a rock band in church singing and dancing and wearing skimpy clothes.
Muslims at least have people who passed on from memory and compiled later on and it has remained the same to this day.
Fell free though to entertain yourself in church, ehmm, in concert.
Lots of untruth in your statement. Most people recognize that the moslems idolize and worship mahomet, even though they call him a 'prophet'. Moslems are even willing to kill others to defend his 'honor', whatever the means.
And no, moslems used to face Jerusalem before being ordered to face mecca. It's in your scriptures. They are not facing those direction because there's nothing. They are bowing before religious artifacts and structures at those locations.
And again, the polytheists and idol worshippers are the moslems themselves. Bowing before a stone and worshipping an arabian god and a mahomet 'prophet'.

My toes laugh again.
You can never find a Muslim worshipping a man. Otherwise that takes him out of the fold of Islam. Period.
You can't really blame people for defending somebody's honour, except when he has no balls to do it (they only grind their teeth and seethe in anger).
You mean you dare not kill to defend your wife's and your daughter's honour? Damn, yours must be a bad limp, worse than a soft noodle.
Also go to any mosque and see if you can spot any images or idols. I bet your church is full of it., pagan.
The OT has always been the same as the Torah. You're really quite dumb to not know it. And you're also very stupid to make this claim of Christianity copying the Jewish religion wholesale. You really have a poor understanding of English and theology.
What can we expect from you, an idiot who is using quran, which is corrupted version of the Bible and Torah, for his own religious text?
This is what a lot of christians do not realise. Before Jesus came, the Jews had a book they called the Torah (not the same one described in the Quran).
After Jesus was taken away, hundreds of years later, someone, NOT John, Luke, Matthew or any of his disciples wrote something about the life of Jesus. The Council of Nicea 400 years later, called it the New Testament. But they were ashamed it was only as thick as a magazine. So they adopted to include the Jewish Torah wholesale and called it the Old Testament. It was in Greek even though Jesus did not speak Greek.
For centuries after that, scribes copied and recopied it and added and removed text from it, amended, deleted, added their own words to it.
In the 11th century, King James the animal fornicator, translated it to ancient Anglican (that no one now speaks anymore), and the same thing happened for centuries after. Scribes copied and recopied it and added and removed text from it, amended, deleted, added their own words to it.
A good evidence is that the Roman Catholic has 73 books and King James reduced it to 66 books. Image the blasphemy of removing God's words! My toes laugh again!
And till today they keep doing it. Scribes copied and recopied it and added and removed text from it, amended, deleted, added their own words to it.
If you claim Quran was copied from the bible, then I'm sorry to call you an idiot again. Only a miniscule part of the Quran is similar, not copied. Parts about history of the prophets past.
And the majority of the Quran is brand new. Straight from Allah. If it was copied why was the fact that Quran prophetically says the Pharaohs will be preserved to be paraded for humankind to learn the lesson. None if this was mention in the bible. Also if it was copied, why were all mistakes, errors, contradictions missing from the Quran? Logically, if it was copied, those would still be there.
So again I urge everyone to read and compare the Quran against the Bible YOURSELF! Don't take my word or this polytheist JT's word for it.
Same God of Abraham, Issac and Moses. Not the same arabian god that mohammedans worship. Music would be nice. Maybe some Hebrew music, native to the land of Israel.
Your fake arab god of the quran hates music even though the people of the OT worshipped God with music? Maybe the arab scribes made mistakes while editing the Bible for their arabian audience.
Did any of your previous prophets worshipped with music? NONE! Absolutely no evidence for it. Don't mistake hymns for music.
The followers later on added these strange practice into worship. Ends up with a rock band. You change your worship according to your whims and fancies. Your prophets, if they were to see how you worship today, would condemn you! And if you can travel to the future, you would not recognise, the future christians way of worship.
We Muslims have done it exactly the same way since Prophet Muhammad taught us how.
So go away now. Please decide which god/idol you want to clean today. Your god needs cleaning